The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

A Revealing Conversation About What’s Required To Get Into Heaven

Perfection. It’s the ultimate standard to get into heaven. And yet, no matter how good we are or how hard we work, we’ll never hit the mark. Find out why being good just isn’t good enough.

Exploring The Root Of Our Salvation

Too often our emotions get the better of us . . . and overpower our spiritual walk. We feel close to God one day . . . and far away the next. But the hope we have in Christ doesn’t depend on our moment-to-moment feelings.

Acknowledging The Little Things We Do To Hide Our Faults From View

It’s only when we truly understand that we’re sinners . . . personally . . . without anyone else to blame . . . that we can stop hiding and come to God for mercy. It’s when we relinquish our weaknesses to God that true freedom can be found!

Haddon Robinson Shares From His Heart About Developing A Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ

The Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” None of us are exempt from sin.

Let’s Strip Away The FaÇade And Discuss What Really Counts In God’s Kingdom

We all want to look good to those around us. We sometimes dress to impress people and even show-off our jobs or cars . . . positioning ourselves around anything or anyone that will make us look good.

Travel With Us Back To Ancient Israel

Sometimes it’s difficult to understand the meaning behind the stories Jesus told. They seem so foreign to the world we know today. Their historical description brings new life and meaning to one of Jesus’ most profound parables.

Take A Moment To Reflect On The Radical And Life-transforming Message Of The Gospel

Sometimes we take the gift of God’s only Son lightly, don’t we? We know the right words to say and the right things to pray, but we don’t take to heart the true miracle of Jesus’ sacrifice.

Haddon Robinson Shares A Profound Truth About Forgiveness

Terms like guilt and shame are not usually something brought up in daily conversation. And yet, we’ve all felt them at one time or another. Perhaps you feel weighed down by something you’ve done in the past.

The Need For Grace At Every Step Of The Journey

We begin the Christian life with the best intentions. Go to church on Sunday, tithe ten percent . . . but in the midst of learning to look like a Christian, sometimes we forget the grace we found at the foot of the cross.

Remembering We Should Live Our Lives For An “audience Of One”

There’s a subtle temptation to live our spiritual lives for an audience of onlookers . . . rather than the “audience of One” . . . our heavenly Father. Saying the right thing at Bible study, having a prominent part in the Sunday service . . . it’s all good, but not the right focus.

The Effect Pride Can Have On Our Relationships . . . And Most Importantly, How We Relate To God

Have you ever met someone so wrapped up in how great they are that you felt . . . well, a little less significant?

A Revealing Discussion On Out-of-the Blue Blessings

Ever receive a substantial gift from a friend that was entirely unexpected? It’s easy to think we somehow deserve them and forget that they’re an unearned expression of someone’s love.

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