The Promises of Marriage

Practical Ways To Build Up Your Mate

For generations, in homes all across the world, the passages in the Bible that talk about submission have sparked lively debate. But for those who truly understand the principles of submission, and apply them, deep and lasting partnerships are forged . . . and enjoyed.

A Lively Discussion About The Human Desire To Be Loved And Understood

We all want to be accepted. But there’s often a tension between wanting to be known and the fear of not being loved. Find yourself having difficulty opening up to others?


A Challenge To Look At Intimacy In Marriage A New Way

True intimacy in marriage is much more than a physical act. We'll discuss creative suggestions for deepening your relationship at home.

Ways To Cultivate An Intimate, Meaningful Relationship With Your Spouse

It’s not easy to develop a strong marriage! It’s more than putting food on the table and sharing household chores. 

Hot Topics That Start Quarrels Among Couples

It’s impossible for two people to share life together and never get into a disagreement. Conflict is inevitable, even in a strong marriage!

Ways To Resolve Disagreements In A Healthy, Positive Way

Conflict is a part of life . . . and often a part of marriage! It’s nearly impossible to bring two different perspectives into a relationship and never disagree on something.

Communicating, Especially In Times Of Conflict, Is Key To Developing A Close, Intimate Relationship

When disagreements arise in marriage . . . sometimes it’s easier to keep quiet rather than argue. Not seeing eye to eye with your spouse?

Ways To Break Through Disagreements And Get To The Heart Of The Matter

Communication is key to developing a close, intimate relationship with your spouse. But often, it’s in open dialogue that conflict arises! Sound familiar?

Challenges We Face In Sharing Our Heart With Others

Communication is more than just talking about the weather. Often it involves divulging our most private thoughts . . . at the risk of someone else’s scrutiny.

Practical Ways To Handle Those Touchy Situations At Home

Anger isn’t unique to marriage . . . but it can certainly be intensified within the close relationship between husband and wife. Perhaps you’re dealing with a particular “hot spot” in your relationship.

Practical Tools To Get Through Those Tough Conversations

When disagreements flare up in relationships . . . you can’t always shy away from confrontation. Sometimes the issue is just too big to let go. Struggling through an issue with a loved one?

The Dangers Of Avoiding Conflict In Marriage

Unaddressed issues are the enemy of strong, healthy marriages. Biblical advice on how to resolve disagreements in your home . . .

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