Unity in Diversity

Help from Romans 14 on muddling through the gray areas of the Christian life

The church is just like one great big family, there’s bound to be some disagreements as time goes on. Let's explore eight principles to keeping unity in the family of God.

A helpful guideline for handling disagreements

When we’re in a heated argument, we’re often so focused on who’s right and who’s wrong that we forget our actions should reflect the love of Christ. A helpful guideline for handling disagreements by asking the poignant question, does this honor God?

Discover the ways our actions help, or hinder, others

Whether you’re a parent guiding a little one through life, or contributing to your team at the office . . . each of us holds tremendous influence over the people we come into contact with!

What do doughnuts have to do with Christian unity?

An unconventional illustration to help us focus on what matters most. So grab your spot at the table for a conversation about disagreements, unity, and how fried pastries tie it all together. A sweet end to our study of Romans 14.

Looking at Romans 14 from a parenting perspective

The latest clothing fashion or music trends can send parents into a tailspin. When it comes to raising kids, what things are allowable and what are off limits? Don't miss this important discussion with special guest Jeff Manion.

Reevaluating the customs we hold dear

There are times when the traditions we cling to are actually the barriers to love and grace entering the church! Another timely message on unity.

Practical application for the principles on unity from Romans 14

Instructions may look simple on paper, but following them can be a lot harder than expected! Let's take the principles from Romans 14 on unity, and examine how to put them into practice.

Separating the important issues from the peripheral ones

We all have strong opinions on the gray areas of our faith. But it’s when we start making our convictions mandatory for other believers that we run into problems!

Wrapping up our study about Christian unity from Romans 14

When studying Scripture, you can spend so much time examining the details that you lose sight of the bigger picture. Let's review the overarching, top priorities in the life of a follower of Christ.

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