What Jesus Said About Being Good Enough—Anger, Lust, Marriage, Divorce

Uncover practical tools for mending relationships

Relationships aren’t easy to maintain. And when a rift occurs between you and another believer, the damage isn’t easy to repair!

Discover a helpful perspective for repairing broken relationships

The longer we leave relational disagreements unresolved, the harder it is to bridge the gap and mend the relationship. Perhaps there’s someone you need to reconcile with.

A timely discussion on the dangers of lust

Our culture is saturated with sexualized messages. So much so, that we can become numb to the destruction these messages cause in our hearts, and in our relationships. Let's study Jesus’ teaching in Matthew chapter five, verse 27.

What Jesus said about lust, and getting our hearts and minds into alignment with God’s original plan

Our culture has distorted God’s good gift of human sexuality. But there’s a way to find freedom from sexual sin!

Discover practical ways we can work with God to deal with lust

If you, or someone you know, has struggled with pornography and lustful thoughts, you’re aware of how hard it is to find freedom on your own!

Why do people allow sin to control their lives?

When we live in sin for a long time, it can be more comfortable to stay where we are than to find freedom from what’s holding us captive.

Discover the sensitive issues addressed in Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount

Just as a parent sets guidelines for their child’s benefit, God puts measures in place to protect His children, as well. Perhaps you harbor a nagging suspicion that God doesn’t really have your best in mind.

How to interpret the biblical passages on divorce and remarriage

God’s ideal for marriage is one man, one woman for life. But does that still apply to us today? Let's hear another thought-provoking study from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

Let’s talk about divorce, and what Jesus taught on this sensitive and timeless subject

Jesus addressed the most sensitive and relevant topics of His day . . . and His teaching in the Sermon on the Mount is equally relevant today!

Looking at divorce and remarriage in the context of the Sermon on the Mount

When the happy couple says their vows, they never imagine their marriage ending in divorce. And yet, keeping marriages intact has been a struggle for centuries.

Let’s discuss the sensitive issue of working through difficulties in marriage

It’s never easy to end a relationship, but when a marriage is torn apart by divorce the outcome can be devastating.

Discover how our attitude impacts the way we deal with sensitive issues

When you really dig into it, Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount is all about having the right attitude. A helpful discussion on the sensitive issues such as divorce and remarriage.

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