What Jesus Said About Your Money
Let’s learn a few things about shrewd planning from Jesus’ teaching in Luke sixteen
According to Jesus’ teaching in Luke sixteen, His followers could learn a few things from the culture about shrewd planning. Let's bring this teaching to life for the twenty-first century Christian.
How to be shrewd stewards of the resources God’s given us
Since we live in a world that’s not necessarily friendly toward Christian values, it’s easy to assume that there’s nothing of value we can learn from the culture. But according to Jesus’ teaching, that’s not the case!
Discover long-term benefits for investing resources
In Luke chapter sixteen, Jesus uses a shrewd steward as an example of how followers of God can use resources wisely. Let's take a close look at this parable to find practical tools for our lives today.
Learning the value of friends
When we think of investments we think of dollars, cents, and financial reports. Let's talk about another kind of investment, one that outlasts those of a financial nature.
Discover what Jesus had to say about investing wisely!
In these days of shaky stock market numbers and plummeting financial investments, it’s important to know God’s perspective on long-term planning. Let's study Jesus’ parable on the shrewd steward in Luke 16.
Discover what happens when we support God’s work here on earth
When we invest in ministry efforts, we’re investing in God’s kingdom. Let's look at Jesus’ teaching in Luke chapter 16 and find that when we support God’s work here on earth, we’re actually helping bring people into relationship with Him.
Find out how shrewd financial planning can help lead people to Christ
When we use our money wisely, we can introduce others to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Let's take an up-close look at Jesus’ teaching in Luke chapter 16, and hear personal experiences on how shrewd financial planning can help lead people to Christ.
Jesus desires to embrace the lost with hope and compassion
God cares deeply about reaching people who don’t know Him personally. Let's reflect on the stories Jesus told, and how they illustrate His desire to embrace the lost.
Let’s unravel the profound lessons in Jesus’ parable of the shrewd manager
Some of the teachings of Scripture aren’t as clear-cut as others. Let's look at the mysteries in Jesus’ parable found in Luke chapter 16.
Let’s look at Jesus’ wise counsel on managing money
In today’s economy, it’s natural to be concerned about the health of our financial portfolio. But there’s a delicate balance between handling our money responsibly, and not letting it become an obsession.
Do you need help getting a better handle on financial priorities?
Sometimes it feels like our lives revolve around money. But when we study Jesus’ teaching on our finances, we learn to put money in its proper perspective.
Discover what it means to be faithful with our God-given resources
Managing your money wisely is hard work! It takes intentional effort, a plan, and dedication. But according to Jesus’ teaching in Luke 16, it’s exactly what’s required of us.