Tag  |  1 John 2:15-17

Discover Satan’s role in temptation, and how to avoid being drawn into his snare Part 12

Behind our political, economic, and social structures is another system at work in the world that has more control than we realize. It’s spiritual in nature and evil in purpose.

An eye-opening conversation about the Devil and his schemes Part 11

Temptation is often cloaked in goodness, enticing us to accept its siren call without regard to the consequences. Let's look at how Satan uses temptations to cause us to turn away from God.

Discover how temptation is really a choice, to either love God or to go against Him Part 10

Cornered with an enticing temptation, and seeing no way out, it’s easy to believe that giving in is the only option. Another interesting study on the role of the Ten Commandments.

Find out how the Ten Commandments can offer us true freedom Part 9

According to the “Discover the Word” team, sin is a desire to be free from God. Let's study the Ten Commandments and discover that instead of restricting us, they actually offer us true freedom.

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