An eye-opening conversation about the truth and grace of Christ Part 5
Let's conclude a study on John chapter 8 and the story of the woman caught in adultery. What we’ll find in this passage is a remarkable display of both the truth and grace of Christ.
Be encouraged by how Jesus handles our sin with truth and grace Part 4
She had been caught red-handed. Exposed publicly for her sin of adultery, the woman in John 8 certainly didn’t expect any mercy from Jesus or the crowd.
Discover Jesus’ response to an impossible dilemma Part 3
From a human perspective, there was no good solution. Jesus shouldn’t forgive the woman caught in adultery, but He wouldn’t condemn her either! Our series in John chapter 8 continues.
An important discussion about the dangers of exploiting others Part 2
Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!
Let’s turn to John chapter 8 and the account of the woman caught in adultery Part 1
Rather than help her privately, the religious leaders decided to use a broken woman to trap Jesus publicly! Don't miss the start of this dramatic story.
An intriguing dialogue about the history of Israel when the prophet Hosea came on the scene Part 9
Understanding the historical context of a passage in Scripture makes a big difference in how to respond to God’s message!
Discover how Hosea’s life mirrored God’s message to His people Part 8
Often God uses men and women in the Bible to speak words of wisdom to His followers. Let's discuss God’s calling of the prophet Hosea.
How to interpret the biblical passages on divorce and remarriage Part 20
God’s ideal for marriage is one man, one woman for life. But does that still apply to us today? Let's hear another thought-provoking study from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.