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Continuing Our In-depth Study Of The Life Of Samson Part 23

We all have a desire to choose our own path in life . . . and yet it often feels like our direction or circumstances were forced upon us.

The Spiritual Legacy We Leave Our Children Part 20

As a parent, we want to pass along our faith and beliefs to our children. But that’s not an easy task! Concerned you’re not getting the right message through to your kids?

A Continuing In-depth Look At What It Means To Live A Life Of Faith Part 19

We may not have a perfect track record . . . but we can choose right now to believe God. That’s the essence of faith . . . believing God will keep His promises.

A Reminder That God Values Each One Of Us . . . In Spite Of Our Mistakes And Mishaps Part 18

It’s easy to think the faithful men and women in the Bible were perfect saints. And yet, if you read their stories closely, you see they were imperfect people just like you and me.

Wondering If Your Faith Can Make A Difference? Part 17

If faith is the substance of things unseen, is it possible to recognize a life of faith in a tangible way? Take a moment to look back at how faith is distinguished in the lives of men and women just like you and me.

It Takes Courage To Serve God In A Role You Aren’t Satisfied With Part 16

Perhaps you were laid off unfairly, or were passed up for the promotion you expected. Or maybe your work at home has grown tedious. 

Let’s Examine The Different Ways Men And Women Exude Leadership Part 14

What does it take to become a strong leader? Whether you’re a stay at home mom, or a businessman in the corporate world . . . each of us runs across situations where we need to guide others.

Leadership Skills That Will Help You Impact Your World Part 13

Most of us want to make a difference in the world. Perhaps not on a grand scale such as ending world hunger . . . but in some way, contributing to our sphere of influence in a lasting way.

A Look At The Life Of An Army General Who Trusted God In The Midst Of Overwhelming Opposition Part 8

It takes courage to put faith in the invisible God. To trust that He’s on your side when all the odds seem stacked against you.

A Reminder That No Barrier Or Impediment Is Too Great For God To Overcome Part 7

So often, we focus on the obstacles in front of us and forget to remember that God is standing right by our side.

A Look At The Inspirational Old Testament Story Of Deborah And Barak Part 6

Sometimes God calls us to do the impossible. We face immeasurable odds and yet, somehow, with His help . . . we make it through. A life is changed in miraculous ways.

How God Uses Ordinary People To Revolutionize A Culture Part 5

From the beginning of time, God has chosen to use men and women just like yourself to accomplish amazing things. Get in touch with your place in history!

A New Perspective On The Biblical Issue Of Idolatry Part 27

The pressure of fitting in to the culture around us is very real. . . . a bigger house, a nicer car, lavish vacations . . . it’s difficult to not be pulled into the materialistic view our culture subscribes to.

Finding It Difficult To Trust God With The Unknowns? Part 23

Some people enjoy taking risks, the thrill of the unexplored venture, while others prefer to play it safe. Let's take a look at the risks involved in the life of faith.

Exploring The Root Of Our Salvation Part 14

Too often our emotions get the better of us . . . and overpower our spiritual walk. We feel close to God one day . . . and far away the next. But the hope we have in Christ doesn’t depend on our moment-to-moment feelings.

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