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Ways To Deepen Your Relationship With God Part 22

Trust is a key ingredient in strong relationships. No friendship can survive without it! And trusting God is the beginning of the deepest kind of friendship.

How The Use Of Hyperbole Brings The Bible To Life In A Whole New Way Part 42

The literary term “hyperbole” means extravagant exaggeration. The Bible uses hyperbole to help us understand God’s promises. Difficult to imagine? 

Explore Ways To Bring Your Faith Into Everyday Living Part 39

A vibrant, authentic, faith is something we all want. But how do we get it? Sometimes it’s hard to put the words we hear on Sunday morning into action in our lives.

Developing Your Relationship With God Part 36

The Christian life is a process. Sometimes it seems like we’re taking baby steps in our journey of faith. But God honors those steps and welcomes us no matter what stage we’re in. 


With God's Help Your Faith Can Grow To Be Strong And Thriving Part 33

Matthew 17:20 says, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed . . . nothing will be impossible for you.” A mustard plant starts out as a tiny seed . . . but grows into a flourishing tree. Faith can do the same.

A Practical Look At Facing Trials Part 31

One of the most defining moments in a person’s life is making it through a seemingly impossible situation. The trials we face mold us into the men and women we are meant to be. Overcoming difficulties helps us mature as followers of God.

A Practical Look At Revitalizing Your Faith Part 26

We all go through times where our spiritual life feels stagnant. A thriving relationship with God is dependent on us trusting Him when the future is uncertain.

An Insightful Look At Practical Issues Part 24

When you think of someone as a radical, what do you mean? The dictionary defines radical as something basic or fundamental. It comes from the Latin word meaning "root." Would it be an overstatement to say that someone with a genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be a radical?

Astounding Insight Into God's Character Part 23

When you think of someone as a radical, what do you mean? The dictionary defines radical as something basic or fundamental. It comes from the Latin word meaning "root." Would it be an overstatement to say that someone with a genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be a radical?

A Whole New Meaning To Having A Radical Faith Part 22

When you think of someone as a radical, what do you mean? The dictionary defines radical as something basic or fundamental. It comes from the Latin word meaning "root." Would it be an overstatement to say that someone with a genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be a radical?

Guidance From The Bible For The Road Ahead Part 19

Can you sense in your own walk with God the forces of insecurity and security playing up against each other?

Examining God's Grace In Light Of Our Weaknesses And Insecurities Part 18

Do you find security through your faith in Jesus Christ? How? Do you feel insecurity because of your faith in Jesus Christ? Why?

An Honest Look At Family Life Part 16

The people of faith are not without flaws. To help listeners understand that those whom God works with are at best very imperfect people.

An Interesting Dialogue On The Basis Of Your Faith Part 9

Do you think of yourself as a saint? When people think of a saint, what comes to their minds? We will discuss how to better understand of the basis of your faith.

An Inside Look At Working Through Your Faith Part 8

Looking at your faith and how work through it.

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