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Naomi or Ruth? Part 5

The central character in the Old Testament Book of Ruth is . . . Ruth. Or is it? Today on Discover the Word, the group and guest Torrey Robinson weigh in on why they think this famous book of the Bible is actually more about Naomi than Ruth. Wrap up the week with longtime Discover the Word group member Haddon…

Is God at work in your mess? Part 4

Naomi’s story begins with a mess, but ends with a blessing. Today on Discover the Word,  guest Torrey Robinson and the group assess the character of Boaz, Naomi, and Ruth. They weren’t perfect, but they were virtuous, notable standouts in a culture that had largely forgotten God. Is God at work in your mess? Listen today on Discover the Word!

Don’t let your pain distort the goodness of God Part 3

At one time or another, we’ve all felt hurt, wounded or angry. And in the midst of our pain, it’s easy for our viewpoint to get distorted and lose sight of the goodness and greatness of God. Today on Discover the Word, the group along with guest Torrey Robinson explore Naomi’s lament, using her lack of perspective to help us see our…

Anger is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you don’t stay there Part 2

Have you ever felt angry with God? Well, that’s not necessarily a bad thing as long as you don’t stay angry! Today on Discover the Word, the group and guest Torrey Robinson examine the life of the Old Testament woman Naomi and why she returned to Israel so sorrowful and bitter. Naomi sounded like she blamed God for her predicament,…

Boaz, the husband of Ruth and ancestor of Jesus Part 1

Ever wished you could sit down with one of your favorite Bible characters to learn what makes them tick? Today on Discover the Word, we welcome Boaz to the table—the husband of Ruth and ancestor of Jesus. Torrey Robinson, son of longtime Discover the Word group member Haddon Robinson, plays the part of Boaz in a riveting dramatic monologue! Don’t miss…

A surprising biblical scene with a woman proposing! Part 10

Traditionally, it's a guy's job to get down on one knee to ask for a lady's hand in marriage. Well, our discussion today runs into a surprising biblical scene with a woman proposing! What's that all about? Don't miss our exciting conversation today.

Finding significance in the missing portions of Ruth’s story Part 22

Sometimes it’s what the author of a story doesn’t say, that leaves a lasting impact.

When looking back on your life, can you see the hand of God at work? Part 21

Sometimes decisions we make appear insignificant in the moment, but turn out to have great significance in the long run. Let's share an insightful discussion on the book of Ruth.

God uses all of us to accomplish His purposes Part 16

When you study the lineage of Jesus Christ in the Bible, you see a number of people included that just don’t seem to fit! Women such as Ruth from Moab, Rahab the prostitute, even King David who was an adulterer.

God’s doing mighty things in ordinary people, even when we don’t realize it! Part 15

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

God Is At Work - The Story of Ruth Part IV - The Providence of God, Part 15 of 23

TEXT: "Also the neighbor women gave him a name, saying, 'There is a son born to Naomi.'  And they called his name Obed.  He is the father of Jesse, the father of David" (Ruth 4:17).


How the community of believers is called to support parents Part 14

It’s not easy raising kids! Especially when you don’t have a strong support system behind you. Let's study the book of Ruth and find guidance for the church today.

View a vignette of domestic life in ancient Israel when Ruth gives birth to a son Part 13

Baby showers are a celebration of life. An opportunity for family to gather around a new mother in anticipation of their little bundle of joy.

Welcoming those on the fringe into relationship Part 12

If you’ve ever been the new kid on the block, you know how difficult life can be as an outsider. A powerful reminder that Jesus Christ is the ultimate role model.

When we love others the way God loves us, we put their needs before our own Part 11

The Bible is filled with timeless truths, and examples of men and women living out their faith in daily life.

See God’s loyal love lived out in every day life Part 10

The Hebrew term hesed isn’t something you hear every day. Yet, the principle behind the word holds incredible meaning for the follower of God.

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