Are you paralyzed with fear, trying to measure up? Part 13
To some, God is a taskmaster, keeping track of every mistake, setting standards no one can keep. Find that through grace, God accepts us just the way we are.
No matter what you’ve done, Jesus welcomes you with open arms Part 12
Reflect on the life of Jesus, and how He welcomed men and women who might normally have been rejected by people of faith.
If Jesus came to your home or church, would you welcome Him? Part 11
Whether they come from a different culture, political party, or religious belief system, it’s tough loving those who are different from us!
Discover how you can make outsiders feel truly welcome Part 10
Have you known the pain and loneliness of feeling like an outsider? Perhaps you tried a new church, or social group, and didn’t feel like you fit in.
Enjoy a fascinating discussion on God’s role in our lives Part 8
Does God dictate every step of our journey through life? Or do some things happen by chance? Let's take an in-depth look at the book of Ruth.
Cultivating a spirit of generosity Part 6
Generosity isn’t relegated to how big your checking account has become. It isn’t what you have that makes the difference, it’s what other people don’t have, and you have an opportunity to help them.
Discover the importance of cultivating a life of generosity Part 5
Do you know a family that’s struggling right now? So many have lost jobs in recent months. Perhaps you know someone who could use a helping hand. Let's take a practical look at giving.
Practical tools for developing a lifestyle of giving Part 4
The work that we do, and money we earn, serves a purpose in the kingdom of God. When God has given generously to us, it’s so we can be generous with others.
An engaging discussion about generosity Part 3
When you see someone on the street who’s obviously homeless, and without a meal for the day, what goes through your heart and mind? A convicting question, and one that deserves our attention.
Why it’s important to take care of those in need Part 2
Did you know that when you give to the poor, you’re actually giving to God? A thought-provoking discussion on the biblical mandate to care for the poor.
Look at the life of Naomi and find hope, even in our darkest hour Part 32
When you’re going through a difficult season, and you can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s tempting to retreat, and give in to despair.