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Find parallels for the Christian life from Ruth’s commitment to Naomi Part 18

When we make the decision to trust in God, our life starts going in a new direction. We turn away from old habits, and start following a new path.

Discover The Importance Of Living An Authentic Lifestyle Part 21

No one is immune to making mistakes, including the pastors and those in leadership positions at church. Whether you’re in a leadership position or not, you’ll find help in today’s discussion.

Discovering How To Reflect The Fruit Of The Spirit In Our Lives Part 18

The Bible says we’re to reflect the fruit of the Spirit in our lives—love, joy, peace, goodness. But how do we turn these into actions? Let's study the Scriptures to find practical application for our lives today.

What Are The Characteristics Of A Thriving Congregation? Part 16

Love, joy, peace, patience . . . these are important qualities to have not only in yourself, but in the church you attend.

How Are The Fruit Of The Spirit Evidenced In Our Lives? Part 15

Ever compare yourself to those around you and feel like you’re missing the mark? Well, according to God’s Word, our focus should be on the growth in our own life. Let's continue a series of discussions on the fruit of the Spirit, and how they are evidenced in the life of a follower of God.

Discover How The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Key To Living Out The Life Of Faith Part 7

Galatians chapter five is more than a laundry list of good attitudes to embrace. Let's unravel this complex passage of Scripture describing the fruit of the Spirit.

Discover How To Bring Meaning To Your Ordinary Work Day Part 45

It’s not always easy to find significance and meaning in the mundane assignments on our plate everyday. Bring new life to your workweek with a thought-provoking study in Ephesians.

The Importance Of Being Prepared When It Comes To Choosing A Job, Or Walking Away From One Part 42

If you’ve ever been asked to go against your beliefs to keep your job, you know the tough decision at stake. It’s important to be prepared for those tough choices well in advance.

An Insightful Conversation About Our Occupation Part 41

From the moment we‘re old enough to speak, we’re asked what we want to do when we grow up. And while it’s cute to hear a four-year-old talk about being a fireman or a ballet dancer, it’s a question at the heart of each of our lives, no matter our age.

How Is Our Work A Partnership With God? Part 11

Whether you work in the office, in the home, or through volunteer projects, we all have a job to do. A fresh perspective to get you through the workweek.

Whatever Work God Has Given Us To Do, Let’s Do It With All Of Our Hearts! Part 9

We all want to make a difference in the world around us. Some minister from the pulpit, others are a voice of reason in politics or the business community. Another helpful discussion on the theology of work.

Gain A Renewed Perspective On God’s View Of Our Vocation And Faith Part 8

Whether you’re changing diapers, or sitting in the corner office, your attitude about work matters to God!

Our Work Matters To God! Part 7

It’s far more than just getting a paycheck. Whether you spend your work days in the church, an office, or at home, the responsibilities we carry out can and should glorify God.

Does God Care About My Work? Part 1

We spend most of our lives on the job. And yet, the subject of employment rarely comes up in sermons on Sunday morning.

What Offering Can We Give Back To God? Part 7

The holiday season is a special time to reflect on God’s generosity to us, expressed in the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Let's take gift-giving to the next level and discuss what we can give back to God.

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