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Does God’s Unconditional Love Give Us A License To Live As We Please? Part 49

Some people hear of God’s unconditional love and think it gives them license to live as they please, because God will forgive them no matter what they do. God will love us no matter what, but the consequences of poor choices still remain.

An In-depth Discussion On That Elusive Quality, Contentment Part 41

In this age of technology and gadgets, we’re always looking for the latest and greatest products to improve our lives. It's all part of a study on the tenth commandment, “Thou shall not covet.”

How God Can And Will Meet Our Deepest Longings Part 31

There’s a deep hunger in our souls that can’t be satisfied by material possessions or even by the people we love. Feel like nothing will fill the void in your life?

Discover Why Only God Can Fill The Void In Our Lives Part 30

So often we try to fill the longing in our hearts with things. Stuff. We think, once I have that new job, or that new house, I’ll be satisfied. Only God can fill the void in our lives. Nothing else comes close.

Realizing That Only An Authentic Reliance Upon God Truly Satisfies Part 19

Our culture worships the role of money in our lives, to the point where it becomes the highest priority to have more, more, and more. Encouragement for us to re-examine our priorities.

A Candid Conversation About Money And Its Effects On Our Lives Part 18

The Bible claims that the love of money is the root of all evil. So if we’re obsessed with the accumulation of wealth, what kind of life will we have?

Do You Have An Attitude Towards Finances That Honors God? Part 15

No matter the size of our bank account, we’re called to have an attitude towards finances that honors God. Let's discuss the difficulties surrounding money, when you have too much of it, and when you have just enough to get by.

The Sacred Celebration Of Communion Part 7

If you grew up in a church that celebrates communion, you know how meaningful it is to remember our Savior’s sacrifice. Let's reflect on this sacred celebration that's at the core of our faith.

Discover Jesus’ Perspective On Servanthood Part 6

When you hear the term servant, what comes to your mind? In our culture, it’s often seen as a derogatory term, perhaps even akin to slavery. Let's explore Jesus’ last supper with His disciples, where He teaches us to serve one another.

Looking At Jesus’ Unforgettable Actions And Servant’s Heart At The Last Supper Part 4

Often we’re so busy looking out for ourselves, that we overlook those in need around us.

Discover How The Attitude Of The Heart Affects Our Belief In God Part 2

Men and women throughout history have had to make a choice, to believe Jesus rose from the grave, or deny it.

Timely Illustrations Of How The Bible Can Help When You’re At A Crossroads Part 9

Whether you realized it or not, the Bible plays a significant role in the choices you make.

A Fascinating Discussion About The Life Of Samuel Part 3

God often uses an older man or woman to shape our character and help us grow up. Perhaps you’re in a place of influence. Hear an authentic conversation about making a positive impact. 

A Challenge To Look At Intimacy In Marriage A New Way Part 27

True intimacy in marriage is much more than a physical act. We'll discuss creative suggestions for deepening your relationship at home.

Practical Ways To Build Up Your Mate Part 25

For generations, in homes all across the world, the passages in the Bible that talk about submission have sparked lively debate. But for those who truly understand the principles of submission, and apply them, deep and lasting partnerships are forged . . . and enjoyed.

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