How Jesus comforts us Part 5
On the eve of His death, Jesus had an intimate meal with His disciples, and He loved them to the end. The disciples had no idea what plans Jesus had for them. Join us for a rich discussion about how Jesus comforted His disciples, and us!
Jesus’ offer to join Him in His ministry of compassion Part 5
Two thousand years ago, Jesus began a movement that fed the hungry, comforted the hurting, and offered grace to the brokenhearted. Ready to get involved? Our study in Matthew 9 concludes .
Let’s ponder Jesus’ request for workers Part 4
Face-to-face with the desperate needs of people we know, we might pray that God brings them comfort. But could God be asking us to be the ones to meet their need? Are we willing to say, “Lord, send me”?
Discover how to accept comfort from the Lord, and extend comfort to others Part 4
Where is God when painful circumstances lay us low? We can see God’s response to pain and suffering through the way Jesus interacted with the people around Him.
Does everyone who mourns find comfort? Part 22
Jesus said, Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted, but the statement can be misinterpreted if we don’t consider its context. Join the team for an insightful dialogue.
Finding hope for those who grieve the sinful state we’re in Part 21
There’s a lot of suffering and heartache in the world. And if we focus on its brokenness for too long, it’s easy to lose heart. Let's study the beatitude, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." No, the world isn’t a perfect place, but there is hope!
There’s hope and comfort available to those who mourn Part 20
We all want to say the right thing to someone who’s dealing with the loss of a loved one. We’ll learn that our presence means more than well-intentioned words.
Scripture passages that focus on the comfort and peace God gives each of us Part 15
The hopeful conclusion to the team’s study on the subject of grief.
A Practical Look At Revitalizing Your Faith Part 26
We all go through times where our spiritual life feels stagnant. A thriving relationship with God is dependent on us trusting Him when the future is uncertain.