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Gain a new perspective on your life as we study the book of Ruth Part 9

When you’re in the thick of the struggle, it’s not easy to anticipate a positive outcome. But in retrospect, often we can see where God took a seemingly bad situation, and turned it into something good.

Discover more about Ruth, and her life of strength and character Part 7

The details in the Bible are there for a reason! Learn more about the Old Testament character named Ruth.

Why it’s important to take care of those in need Part 2

Did you know that when you give to the poor, you’re actually giving to God? A thought-provoking discussion on the biblical mandate to care for the poor.

How God can take our past and redeem it for His glory Part 1

Let's celebrate God’s redemptive power, as we study the book of Ruth together, and highlight Ruth’s integrity, her faith, and her place in the genealogy of Jesus.

Look at the life of Naomi and find hope, even in our darkest hour Part 32

When you’re going through a difficult season, and you can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s tempting to retreat, and give in to despair.

Underlying reasons why Ruth chose to join Naomi in a foreign land Part 31

It’s not easy leaving the familiar, and stepping into the unknown! Perhaps you’ve been called to step out in faith in your own life.

God’s good intentions can easily be misinterpreted when times are tough Part 28

When life doesn’t turn out the way we expect, we can grow discouraged and disillusioned, and sometimes, there’s no relief or hope in sight.

Finding hope that God can work mightily, even in the difficult seasons Part 27

When the storms of life rage around you, and there’s no end in sight, how do you hold on to hope? Enjoy Naomi's plight portrayed in a special dramatization.

God’s plan can emerge, even out of our lowest points of disappointment Part 26

When life has dealt blow after difficult blow, sometimes we wonder if God has deserted us. That’s where we find the Old Testament character, Naomi, when we pick up our study in the book of Ruth.

Looking at Naomi’s life to find insight into dealing with tragedy Part 25

When hard times come, and we begin to lose heart, we don’t always see God’s hand. In fact, we can begin to doubt He knows what we’re going through!

God’s involvement in both good times, and bad Part 24

When an earthquake devastates a nation, or a tornado uproots a city, we often wonder why God allows such destruction to take place. Are you trying to make sense of a difficult circumstance?

Ruth’s remarkable step of faith and trust Part 23

Faith in God can take you to unexpected places. For Ruth, it meant moving to a foreign land, with no prospect of finding a husband or starting a family.

Ruth’s commitment to Naomi and the deep impact it would have on her life Part 22

Imagine moving to another country. You don’t know the language. You don’t know the customs and traditions. You’re leaving all that’s familiar behind.

Ruth’s profound commitment when she chooses to receive Naomi’s God as her own Part 21

Let's continue an in-depth study in the book of Ruth. We’ll see how uncommon it was in the Old Testament for foreigners to embrace the one true God.

Discover What It Means To Maintain A Pure Heart, With Pure Motives Part 9

When we try to protect our own agenda, it’s not easy to keep our motives pure. In fact, sometimes we do the right things, but for the wrong reasons. So how do we get out of that trap?

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