Tag  |  conflict

Find out how God uses flawed families Part 6

Does your family fight and bicker? Perhaps there are a few skeletons in your family’s closet. Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Let's reveal the decades-old feud that took place in Jacob’s family, and how God’s mercy showed up in the midst of domestic conflict.

How to be an advocate for peace Part 5

Caught up in a fight, it’s tempting to throw out accusations in order to win. But to bring a peaceful resolution, we really need to become advocates! Concluding our series on Abigail, and reflecting on how she prevented a deadly disagreement.

Perhaps you could use some help resolving a personal disagreement Part 4

Embroiled in conflict, it can feel like we’re held captive to our frustration, anger, and strong opinions. What we need is a good hostage negotiator! Let's look at Abigail as an example of biblical conflict negotiation.

How our participation can lead to a peaceful resolution Part 3

When we witness conflict, our first instinct is usually to stay on the sidelines. We don’t want to get caught up in the fight! Another biblical principle for conflict.

One principle for peaceful conflict negotiating Part 2

Try as we might, we’ll never be able to avoid conflict for long. So, if we can’t run from them, how do we face our battles biblically? It starts with our mindset!

Let’s look at a story in First Samuel that proves we can reach a resolution in any conflict Part 1

Engaged in conflict, we may believe there has to be a winner and a loser. But is it possible to resolve a disagreement where everyone comes out on top?

How to maintain harmony in the midst of conflict Part 3

Music, politics, appearance. Christians disagree over many different issues. So is it even possible to find unity among the followers of Christ? An important lesson from Romans 14.

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