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Discover the true harmony Christ accomplished in the past, present, and future Part 5

At Jesus’ birth, an army of angels declared “peace on earth.” Yet, as we look around today, both personal and global conflicts remain. So where’s this peace that was promised? Let's discuss Jesus’ role as “Prince of Peace.”

The Conclusion Of The Discussion On Creation And Faith Part 12

Perhaps you, or someone you love, has questions about the Creator of the universe.

Discover The Connection Between Belief And Evidence Part 11

If you believe in God, you see His handiwork when you study the world around you. The intricacies of the human body, the details in a leaf, or the colors of the sunset, shout that Creation was designed with purpose.

Discover How Our Presuppositions Impact Our Belief System Part 10

An engaging discussion on how your worldview affects the way you think and interact with those around you.

Discover The Impact The Creator Has On Our Daily Lives Part 9

Knowing that God created the world and every living thing in it, makes a huge impact on how we view ourselves and those around us.

Bring Purpose And New Life To Each Day When You Put Your Trust In God Part 8

So many people live without purpose. Moving from one day to the next, wondering why they’re here. A fascinating discussion on choosing to trust God with your life.

Can We Have Both Faith, And A Belief In Science? Part 7

Discover how faith and science are intricately connected through the God who created the universe.

A Fascinating Discussion On The Creator Of The Universe Part 6

If you look closely at the world around us, at the intricacies of how the human body works, the variety of trees and flowers, it’s clear that someone created the world we live in.

Reflecting On The Complexity Of The World, And The God Who Spoke It Into Being Part 5

Friday, April 9, 2010

By Faith . . . Believing God Created, Part 5 of 20

TEXT: “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:2).

IDEA: The Bible gives us enough for a basis of faith, but…

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