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Finding contentment Part 5

Today on Discover the Word, the group will conclude a series of conversations about how we may have been, “Misunderstanding Martha”! The discussion is centered on contentment and how we can learn to act out of the gifting God has given us. Are you comfortable with who God made you to be? Listen today to “Misunderstanding Martha," right here on…

Confident expectations Part 4

Jesus wants to give you lasting hope! And today on Discover the Word, we are back in the Gospels, looking at Martha—someone who might be called one of the Bible’s most misunderstood characters! There’s another side to this woman that shows how biblical hope goes beyond just a wish, to confident expectation. Listen today to Discover the Word!

When “getting the job done” takes a back seat Part 3

“I could use a little help here!” Yeah, when there’s work to be done, no one likes to see someone just sitting around! But are there times when “getting the job done” isn’t the most necessary thing? Today, the Discover the Word team uncovers the “whole story” about a familiar story in the Bible where “getting the job done” needed…

A defining moment Part 2

Today on Discover the Word, the group will continue this week’s study about Martha, the sister who may have been terribly misunderstood. We’re looking at one of the defining moments in Martha’s life that leaves her changed forever. Grab a seat in the fourth chair and listen today to Discover the Word!

“Misunderstanding Martha” Part 1

Do you ever feel misunderstood? Then you might be able to empathize with one of Jesus’s close friends when He was on earth—Martha. Today on Discover the Word, join the group as they open up Luke chapter 10 to uncover how we might have been, “Misunderstanding Martha” this whole time. Listen to Discover the Word today!

"Broken and given" Part 5

Today on Discover the Word, Ann Voskamp tells the group about a life-changing trip she made recently to Iran to share the compassion of Jesus. Join them as they discuss how we all can use whatever position we’re in to be “broken and given” for those around us. Discover what that means when you tune in today to Discover the…

Jesus broken on the cross can make us whole again Part 4

Sometimes things can become so familiar that we don’t even notice them anymore. And if we’re not careful that can happen with the symbol of the cross. Today on Discover the Word, special guest Ann Voskamp joins the team at the table to consider how Jesus being broken on the cross can make us whole again. It’s a freeing reminder,…

Being the hands and feet of Jesus Part 3

The Bible says we are “the hands and feet of Jesus.” But what does being His hands and feet actually look like? Today on Discover the Word, special guest Ann Voskamp joins us as we continue the discussion of how “The Broken Way” is the way of Jesus. Be part of the group,  right here on Discover the Word!

"The Broken Way" Part 2

When we say something’s “broken,” we mean that it’s no longer of use. But that’s not what God says when He sees our “broken” lives. Today on Discover the Word, the group, along with special guest Ann Voskamp, continues a discussion based on Ann’s new book, “The Broken Way.” Don’t miss today’s conversation on Discover the Word!

Discover how brokenness can lead to abundant life Part 1

Today on Discover the Word, the team welcomes bestselling author Ann Voskamp to the table. They’ll be kicking off a new series of conversations based on Ann’s new book, called “The Broken Way.” It’s a discussion that reveals how it’s brokenness that can actually lead to the abundant life. Join the fascinating conversations the group has with Ann Voskamp, beginning today…

Be still and know that I am God Part 5

Are you fidgety and restless, unable to sit still? Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss a challenge we all face, learning to “be still and know He is God.” In a sense, it takes work to rest. “Nesting in God’s Presence” . . . be part of the conclusion to the study of Psalm 84 today on…

Learning to abide in God’s presence Part 4

It’s easy to feel like God hasn’t come through when we’re in the midst of pain and trouble. But is that really the case? Today on Discover the Word, we will bring a sense of perspective to our journey of faith. Discover how each experience adds another layer of learning, bringing meaning and depth to our faith as we learn…

Living an integrated life Part 3

Do you ever feel like two different people, acting one way at work and another way at home? Well, it’s possible to live an integrated life conscious of God’s presence wherever you are and whatever you do! Today on Discover the Word, we will address the tendency we all have to compartmentalize our faith. Listen to Discover the Word!

Building a “nest of rest” in God’s presence Part 2

Some people think bird watching is, well, for the birds! But there’s a lot we can learn from our fine-feathered friends. And one of the most important lessons is found in Psalm 84 where the psalmist talks about a sparrow that builds its nest near God’s altar. Today on Discover the Word, we will reveal how we too can build…

Are you flying solo? Part 1

Running on empty? Fainting from exhaustion? Welcome to the “new normal”—where everybody’s always stressed! Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss what to do when we find ourselves depleted—spirit, soul, and body. Chances are good that it’s because we’re flying solo when God calls us to live in relationship. De-stress your life with a little help from Psalm 84…

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