The depth of the love of God Part 5
Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about the depth of the love of God. Only special creatures can tolerate the deepest part of the ocean. But, the depth of God’s love? We can all revel in the fact that we’re loved that much! “The 4-D Love of God” . . . finish that discussion with the group today on "Discover the Word"!
The 4 dimensional love of God Part 4
What did the apostle Paul mean when he said that he prayed we would grasp the “height” of God’s love? Today on "Discover the Word," we dig further into Paul’s profound description of the 4 dimensional—“The 4-D love of God.” Are you afraid of heights? Well, you won’t be in this conversation today on "Discover the Word"!
Let’s take the long view of God’s love Part 3
When people say, “Take the long view,” it means getting a sense of perspective about the present by also considering both the past and the future. Well, today on "Discover the Word," we'll discuss how there are several different ways to look at the phrase “the length of God’s love.” Be part of the discussion as we “take the long view” of God’s love, today on "Discover the Word"!
How wide is God’s love for us? Part 2
What do you think of when you hear the term, “wide open spaces”? Does it give you a feeling of freedom? Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss what the apostle Paul meant when he talked about how wide God’s love for us is. How is it possible that God’s love is wide enough to embrace the whole world?
Understanding how much God loves you Part 1
How much does God love you? Today on "Discover the Word," we begin our study on “The 4D Love of God.” Interestingly, when the apostle Paul described “the height, the depth, the width and the length” of God’s love for us, he himself was under house arrest. How can understanding Paul’s circumstances change our own perspective about how much we’re loved by God? Join the group today on "Discover the Word"!
Why Jesus sees us as Beautiful Part 10
Hello Beautiful! If someone said that to you, would you look behind you to see who they were really talking to? Since 96 percent of women surveyed don’t see themselves as beautiful, this would be a common reaction. We'll make the case that “beautiful” is the way God made us to be. We may feel ugly, but Jesus sees us as beautiful. Do you believe that?
How Does Jesus Redeem Our Scars? Part 9
Most of us have scars. Some are physical, easily seen. Others are emotional, often hidden deep within. Let's discuss how many people believe that their painful past disqualifies them from having a part in the kingdom. Be part of today’s conversation as we talk about how Jesus can redeem our scars through His scars.
Using your Gifts to Bring God Glory Part 8
Someone once said, “Vocation does not come from a voice ‘out there’ calling me to be something I’m not. It comes from a voice in here, calling me to be the person I was born to be.” Let's talk about what it really means to use our specific creative gifts to bring God glory and bring us fulfillment as well.
You are an Expression of God’s Glory Part 7
Growing up, many of us were taught lies about ourselves, lies that in some ways can make us feel almost invisible and insignificant. Let's talk about why it’s important to ask God, “How do you see me?” Because each of us is created with our own voice to be a unique expression of God’s glory. You have a role to play in His kingdom, one that no one else can fill.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Part 6
We read in Psalm 139 that we’re “fearfully and wonderfully” made. Let's continue the series, "Beauty Full Beings." God fashioned our bodies to reflect His nature and to fully experience the joys of His creation. Our bodies are not enemies to be conquered, they’re a sacred place, a temple of the Holy Spirit.