Tag  |  Exodus 20:14

Ways To Cultivate An Intimate, Meaningful Relationship With Your Spouse Part 28

It’s not easy to develop a strong marriage! It’s more than putting food on the table and sharing household chores. 

A Challenge To Look At Intimacy In Marriage A New Way Part 27

True intimacy in marriage is much more than a physical act. We'll discuss creative suggestions for deepening your relationship at home.

A Lively Discussion About The Human Desire To Be Loved And Understood Part 26

We all want to be accepted. But there’s often a tension between wanting to be known and the fear of not being loved. Find yourself having difficulty opening up to others?


Practical Ways To Build Up Your Mate Part 25

For generations, in homes all across the world, the passages in the Bible that talk about submission have sparked lively debate. But for those who truly understand the principles of submission, and apply them, deep and lasting partnerships are forged . . . and enjoyed.

The Principle Of Submission Is Widely Misunderstood, And Often Manipulated Part 24

Submission is not a popular word. We want to be in control of our lives . . . not surrender our plans to someone else.

A Look At Key Ingredients To Deepening Your Marriage Part 23

Anyone can get married. But being married doesn’t automatically mean you have a deep, intimate relationship with your spouse. Need help connecting with your spouse?

A Biblical Definition Of Service And How It Applies To All Our Relationships, Especially Those In The Home Part 22

It can seem humbling to serve others—you sometimes feel like a servant. Serving almost implies that the other person has control over you and your actions. But the Bible is clear that Christians serve.

What Grace In Marriage Looks Like Part 21

We’ve heard of God’s grace towards us . . . but how do we extend that grace to others? Often it’s at home . . . under our own roof . . . that grace is needed most! Hope for your relationships.


A Whole New Perspective On Intimacy In Marriage Part 20

The word, “intimacy” is often used to describe romantic love. Struggling to find a deeper connection with your spouse?

What Grace Looks Like In Relationships With Those We Love Part 19

We hear the term at church but do we really know what it means? What is grace? In order to apply grace in our relationships, we need to embrace the true definition.

How Agape Love Sustains A Marriage During The Most Difficult Seasons Part 18

The romantic feelings expressed at a wedding ceremony don’t last forever. So how do you continue to keep the home fires burning when the realities of life settle in?

What Love Means In A Healthy Marriage Part 17

If we were to ask one hundred people to define the word, “love,” we’d probably get a hundred different answers! Perhaps you’re struggling in your relationship right now.

What Makes A Marriage Last After The Honeymoon Is Over? Part 16

A bride dreams about her wedding day years before she walks the aisle. She chooses the dress, the flowers, the music . . . tirelessly planning the big day. But marriage is so much more than a wedding ceremony.

The True Meaning Of Commitment Part 15

For some marriages, the good times end right after the marriage ceremony is over, while other marriages flourish and deepen over time. Ever wonder what it takes to make it through the long haul in your relationship?

What Commitment In Marriage Is All About Part 14

What keeps good people from walking down the aisle to get married? For some, it’s the fear of commitment. They’re afraid of being tied down to responsibilities.

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