Discover why it’s crucial to believe what we cannot see Part 38
It’s not uncommon to want proof before you’ll believe in God. Perhaps you’ve had moments of doubt or know someone who has.
The fears Moses faced, and overcame! Part 37
I’m sure you’ve been there. You’re about to make a decision, you’re ready for that change in your life, and something stops you. Often, we’re afraid of the repercussions.
Details about Moses’ life that could have some big implications Part 36
With five-minute Bible studies and quick devotionals, it’s easy to rush through passages in Scripture. But sometimes, we need to take the time required to understand what a verse truly means.
Making a difference for God Part 35
Often the major changes in our lives are precipitated by outside influences. And those influences don’t always guide us down the right path! Join the conversation as the team invites us to consider the changes that take us in the right direction.
Looking ahead to our permanent home in heaven Part 34
How many different cities have you lived in? Regardless of whether you’ve stayed put your whole life or have moved from place to place, it’s comforting to know that our true dwelling place is not on this earth.
Looking forward to the reward awaiting us in heaven! Part 33
There are lots of things to look forward to in life, but for the follower of God, all these things pale in comparison to our ultimate goal.
How we can live differently because we know there is more to come beyond this life! Part 32
Today’s adults search for ways to increase their lifespan, whether it’s with a special diet or a rigorous exercise routine.
The most important thing to consider when making decisions Part 31
Everyone dreads making tough decisions. The options can be daunting, and input from others may cloud the issue.
Understanding the persecution that ordinary Christians face every day Part 30
When we hear the word persecution we often correlate it to the early church martyrs who lived centuries ago. It’s foreign, and far removed from our world today.
Practical ways to settle disputes with those in the family of God Part 29
No one is immune from conflict. Disagreements and squabbles break out, even between followers of Christ. Having difficulty finding the middle ground?
Find encouragement to persevere Part 28
As followers of Christ, we are called to be a light in a world of darkness. And sometimes that means standing strong, even in the face of extreme opposition.
Discover how to press through the inevitable challenges of life Part 27
Sometimes standing firm in our faith means enduring hardship and suffering. Perhaps you’re experiencing adversity right now.
An authentic discussion on the life of a believer in Christ Part 26
Following God’s path for life doesn’t necessarily ensure an easy route! Perhaps you’re going through a difficult time right now.
How the decisions we make today can shape our future Part 25
The smallest choices we make, no matter how insignificant they may seem at the time, can have a huge impact on our life. Perhaps you’re at a crossroads right now.
Find encouragement even through difficult circumstances Part 24
Continuing a fascinating dialog about Moses, a man whose trust in God stayed constant even through difficult circumstances. Going through a tough time right now?