Making decisions based on loving others Part 32
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were focused on keeping the letter of the law. But Jesus taught that it’s not about keeping all the rules. Let's discuss what Jesus’ teaching looks like in today’s culture.
Let’s explore what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage Part 30
Wouldn’t it be nice if the Bible gave us step-by-step instructions on how to handle the tricky relational situations we face in life? Hear a thought-provoking discussion on what it means to think Christianly in relationships.
Find help for how to handle sticky relational issues Part 29
As followers of God we look to the Bible for help on difficult topics. But sometimes, we wind up with more questions than answers! Let's study what Jesus said about divorce.
Garner helpful advice for your marriage from the apostle Paul Part 28
Marriage is difficult all on its own, but when you don’t share the same theological beliefs with your spouse, the relationship can become even more strained! We’re looking at First Corinthians chapter seven.
A timely discussion on divorce from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew chapter five Part 27
Marriage isn’t easy. And when times get tough, do you throw in the towel, or stick it out and try to make things work?