Tag  |  Freedom

Discover how God’s love AND power relate to our redemption Part 4

It’s not enough to want to free someone who is being held captive, you need the ability to pull off such a daring rescue! Watch God’s plan unfold.

Discover how God’s love frees us from the guilt of our past and allows us to make the most of the present Part 7

Have you ever looked back with regret on missed opportunities—those the things you should have done, or words you should have said? We’re talking about Mark 14.

Finding freedom in doing what we can to love God Part 2

She wasn’t a leader, a politician, or even a person of power. Yet, by acting on the love of Jesus, Mary of Bethany influenced the world. How we can follow her example?

Find freedom from the worries that hold you captive Part 10

What’s keeping you up at night? Maybe it’s a financial situation, disappointing medical news, or a relationship that’s gone sour. Discover encouragement from Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount.

Discover an important balance between practicing our freedom, and causing others to stumble Part 21

Enjoying a glass of wine with dinner may be a treat for you, but for a recovering alcoholic it could have serious implications. An important discussion about Paul's word in Romans chapter 14.

Find out how the Ten Commandments can offer us true freedom Part 9

According to the “Discover the Word” team, sin is a desire to be free from God. Let's study the Ten Commandments and discover that instead of restricting us, they actually offer us true freedom.

Bringing The Familiar Story Of The Prodigal Son To Life Part 36

Sometimes it’s easy to read the Bible without becoming personally engaged in its stories. Let's talk about the Prodigal Son and offer a realistic picture of what would happen if this event took place today.

Take A Candid Look At Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 28

Sometimes we have to go down the wrong road before we come to our senses. Perhaps you have a friend or loved one heading down a destructive path.

Unravel Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son, To Understand The Truth About Freedom Part 27

The desire to be free and independent is deep within each of us. But what is true freedom?

Bringing Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son To Life Part 26

An eye-opening discussion and how the heartbreaking relationship between father and rebellious son mirrors our own relationship with God.

Discover Some Shocking Truths Found In Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 23

It’s not uncommon to get your affairs in order as you get older. But for a child to ask for their inheritance while their parents are still alive, it’s just not done!

What It Means To Have True Freedom, Even From The Accumulation Of Stuff Part 35

The apostle Paul tells us in Romans chapter eight that as children of God we have glorious freedom from the things that have held us in bondage. It’s part of our series on the tenth commandment, thou shall not covet.

What Does It Mean To Have Freedom In Relationships? Part 34

Do we have permission to do or say anything we want? What kind of boundaries need to be set? Engage in a lively discussion about relationships.

A Refreshing Perspective On Following God Part 34

For many, the Christian life is bogged down with lists of do’s and don’ts. Instead of giving us freedom, it weighs us down with all the rules and restrictions.

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