Tag  |  friendship

Loving like Jesus loves Part 10

Tough love is true love. But it’s not always comfortable. Today on Discover the Word,  the group will finish their two-week look at Paul’s short New Testament letter to Philemon and examine how we love. It’s the last conversation exploring a “Plea from a Friend”! It’s a tough request that tests how serious Philemon was about loving like Jesus loves.…

Practicing radical acts of kindness Part 9

Today on Discover the Word, the group encourages us to practice radical acts of kindness in Jesus’s name. It’s a discussion based on a letter the apostle Paul wrote from prison, to a friend, about a friend. We’re studying the book of Philemon, today on Discover the Word!

Embracing conflict in a godly way Part 8

No one likes conflict, but running from conflict can be as unhealthy and dangerous as stirring it up! Today on Discover the Word, the group encourages us to embrace conflict in a godly way. The discussion’s centered in the little New Testament letter to Philemon. But don’t let the size of this letter fool you, it packs a powerful message!…

Praying for others Part 7

When a serious need comes up at home or around the world, have you ever felt powerless to do anything about it? Well, there’s One who can intervene in any circumstance! And today on Discover the Word, we return to Paul’s letter to Philemon to see what he says about praying for others. How much good does that actually do? Listen today to…

"Plea from a Friend" Part 6

Today on Discover the Word, we will kick off the second week of their conversation about the apostle Paul’s fascinating first-century letter to his friend Philemon. It’s a fairly short letter with a big message. This week’s discussions focus on a “Plea from a Friend,” so be part of the group on Discover the Word!

Finding common ground Part 5

Have you ever gotten caught in a dispute between two friends? It’s tough to be in the middle, and hard to avoid the pressure to take a side. But as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, when the apostle Paul was stuck in the middle of a situation like that, he focused on common ground and mutual love. It’s an…

A letter from Paul Part 3

Don’t you love getting mail from a friend? When you see a loved one’s name on the return address, or in your e-mail inbox, you’re filled with joy and anticipation. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll hear about a personal letter the apostle Paul wrote to Philemon—from one friend to another. But it was a letter with a challenging…

We are not meant to go it alone Part 2

The wisdom of Ecclesiastes tells us that “a cord of three strands is not easily broken,” and that “two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor.” We were never meant to live life without others. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll see that not even the apostle Paul could go it alone. It’s an encouraging discussion on…

The message of Philemon Part 1

Odds are your Bible never just flips open to the book of Philemon. It’s only one chapter and at most a page long. But as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, it’s a little book that packs a big message. Join us on Discover the Word to learn more about the compelling story behind this letter the apostle Paul…

Discover the friendship Christ offers us Part 2

Sheep need a shepherd. Without him, the flock is defenseless, helpless, and hopeless! Just like sheep need a shepherd, so we need Jesus.

Find out how shrewd financial planning can help lead people to Christ Part 19

When we use our money wisely, we can introduce others to the hope we have in Jesus Christ. Let's take an up-close look at Jesus’ teaching in Luke chapter 16, and hear personal experiences on how shrewd financial planning can help lead people to Christ.

Discover what happens when we support God’s work here on earth Part 18

When we invest in ministry efforts, we’re investing in God’s kingdom. Let's look at Jesus’ teaching in Luke chapter 16 and find that when we support God’s work here on earth, we’re actually helping bring people into relationship with Him.

Learning the value of friends Part 16

When we think of investments we think of dollars, cents, and financial reports. Let's talk about another kind of investment, one that outlasts those of a financial nature.

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