Tag  |  Genesis 12:1-3

Discover how what looks like favoritism is actually a sovereign plan to bless the entire world Part 2

There is an entire nation of individuals identified in Scripture as “God’s chosen people.” But where did this divine favoritism come from? Let's go back to the origins of Israel, and God’s promises to His people.

A Challenge For Us To Choose The Eternal Blessings Over Temporal Ones Part 21

It’s easy to get caught up in our daily lives, isn’t it? We live in the here and now . . . with little thought of the future. And yet, God asks us to have an eternal perspective.

Ever Feel You’re Not “good Enough” For God’s Love? Part 20

God’s love is unconditional, and His promises aren’t contingent on anything we do. Instead, God reveals His faithfulness to us despite our human weakness or failures.

How God Interacts With Us On A Daily Basis . . . Through Good Times And Bad Part 19

Does receiving blessings mean everything in life is going great? Or is it possible to receive God’s blessings even in the darkest times?

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