Be still and know that I am God Part 5
Are you fidgety and restless, unable to sit still? Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss a challenge we all face, learning to “be still and know He is God.” In a sense, it takes work to rest. “Nesting in God’s Presence” . . . be part of the conclusion to the study of Psalm 84 today on…
Learning to abide in God’s presence Part 4
It’s easy to feel like God hasn’t come through when we’re in the midst of pain and trouble. But is that really the case? Today on Discover the Word, we will bring a sense of perspective to our journey of faith. Discover how each experience adds another layer of learning, bringing meaning and depth to our faith as we learn…
Living an integrated life Part 3
Do you ever feel like two different people, acting one way at work and another way at home? Well, it’s possible to live an integrated life conscious of God’s presence wherever you are and whatever you do! Today on Discover the Word, we will address the tendency we all have to compartmentalize our faith. Listen to Discover the Word!
Building a “nest of rest” in God’s presence Part 2
Some people think bird watching is, well, for the birds! But there’s a lot we can learn from our fine-feathered friends. And one of the most important lessons is found in Psalm 84 where the psalmist talks about a sparrow that builds its nest near God’s altar. Today on Discover the Word, we will reveal how we too can build…
Are you flying solo? Part 1
Running on empty? Fainting from exhaustion? Welcome to the “new normal”—where everybody’s always stressed! Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss what to do when we find ourselves depleted—spirit, soul, and body. Chances are good that it’s because we’re flying solo when God calls us to live in relationship. De-stress your life with a little help from Psalm 84…
The Holy Spirit gives us that true sense of belonging Part 5
Do you ever feel like you’re alone in this world? Today on Discover the Word, the group will reveal why the Holy Spirit can give us that true sense of belonging that we all crave. Find hope in the truth that you’re a child of God, accepted, beloved, and part of a family! Hear a revealing discussion that can help…
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so we could be people of truth Part 4
What if you desperately needed a person’s help, but they weren’t available? But what if that person sent someone else, a person who was just like them? Today on Discover the Word, we discuss how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so we could be people of truth, revealing Jesus in a world filled with deceit and darkness. Join the group…
The unique role of the Holy Spirit as our Helper Part 3
Have you ever needed an attorney—an advocate to go before the judge on your behalf? It’s great to have someone help us when we can’t help ourselves. Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss the unique role of the Holy Spirit as our Helper, our Comforter, and our Advocate. Listen today on Discover the Word!
How do you view the Holy Spirit? Part 2
“May the force be with you!” is one of the most quoted lines from Star Wars. And it’s also how many people think about the Holy Spirit—as an impersonal force. Well, today on Discover the Word, the group will reveal why we believe the Holy Spirit is very much a person, not an “it”! Be part of the conversation, today…
"The Power of the Spirit" Part 1
The Trinity—God being three-in-one—is a hard concept to grasp. On one level, it’s impossible to fully comprehend this divine mystery. And yet, each member of the Godhead has a unique place in our lives, including the Person of the Holy Spirit! Today on Discover the Word, the group will begin this week’s series called, “The Power of the Spirit.” Join…
The two women from Shunem Part 15
Many Bibles stories don’t seem to be connected but upon closer examination, we find they are. Today on "Discover the Word," we examine the stories of two different women from the town of Shunem. Find out how they are connected and why only one has a happy ending. Listen today to "Discover the Word"!
Understanding our need for the Lord and others Part 14
Has anyone ever told you, “Hey, if you need anything, just let me know”? And have you ever taken them up on their offer to help or were you able to handle things on your own? Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about what it often takes for us to understand how much we need the Lord and others. Another aspect of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” today on "Discover the Word"!
What’s in a sneeze? Part 13
You’ve heard of the seven dwarves. But have you heard of the seven sneezes? Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about an odd chapter in the story of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” After the prophet Elisha prayed for a young boy who had died, the boy awoke and sneezed seven times! So what’s with all the sneezes? Join the conversation today on "Discover the Word"!
Faith, disappointment and doubt Part 12
Have you ever been the victim of a cruel joke? Well, today’s study of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” on "Discover the Word" takes us to a woman who may have felt like the victim of a cosmically cruel joke after her young son suddenly died. Join us as we discuss how repeated disappointments in our lives can cause us to doubt, even in the midst of our faith. A revealing conversation today on "Discover the Word"!
Why is it easier to give than to receive? Part 11
For many people, it’s easier to give than to receive because they feel uncomfortable being on the receiving end. Maybe they might feel unworthy or less in control. Today on "Discover the Word," we will begin a two-week focus on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” and talk about a woman who gave generously of her resources to Elisha and his ministry but had a difficult time being on the receiving end. Why was that? Join the study today on "Discover the Word"!