Tag  |  God’s grace

Let's lean on the promise of mercy Part 10

The Bible warns us, “You reap what you sow.” The Old Testament character, Jacob, planted quite a few destructive seeds within his family. The result of which should have been a harvest of pain. Discover how Jacob received what he didn’t deserve, an outpouring of God’s grace!

God wants to go far beyond justice and extend us His grace Part 5

When we complete our workweek we want to receive what we deserve, a week’s paycheck. It’s a just reward for what we’ve done.

Looking at Jesus’ teaching and the truth about God’s grace Part 4

Let’s be honest, when we’ve done something good we want a pat on the back. Even in spiritual matters, it’s hard not to expect God to reward us for our work! An insightful discovery about God's grace.

An important discussion on questions about our faith Part 18

We live in a culture that believes all truth is relative. Truth is in the eyes of the beholder. Let's address this fallacy, and other important questions about our faith.

Welcoming those who are different Part 17

Are you actively showing God’s grace to men and women who may take you outside your comfort zone? Reflecting on the history of the church and emphasizing God’s desire for us to welcome those who are different.

Explore the difficulties that arise when different cultures collide Part 16

In the Great Commission, Jesus called His followers to preach the gospel to all nations. Sounds simple, right? God’s desire is for the church to come together despite all differences.

Get a fresh perspective on the Law from the book of Ruth Part 15

At first glance, the Old Testament law appears harsh and legalistic. When we get a correct view of the Law, and the intent and purpose behind it, we see it’s infused with grace and mercy.

Unraveling an apparent contradiction Part 14

In our culture, it’s considered politically incorrect to exclude someone based on race or religious beliefs. How could the Israelites accept Ruth into their society, a Moabite, when the law specifically stated not to intermingle with other nations?

Are you paralyzed with fear, trying to measure up? Part 13

To some, God is a taskmaster, keeping track of every mistake, setting standards no one can keep. Find that through grace, God accepts us just the way we are.

No matter what you’ve done, Jesus welcomes you with open arms Part 12

Reflect on the life of Jesus, and how He welcomed men and women who might normally have been rejected by people of faith.

If Jesus came to your home or church, would you welcome Him? Part 11

Whether they come from a different culture, political party, or religious belief system, it’s tough loving those who are different from us!

Discover how you can make outsiders feel truly welcome Part 10

Have you known the pain and loneliness of feeling like an outsider? Perhaps you tried a new church, or social group, and didn’t feel like you fit in.

Does The Biblical Doctrine Of Grace Give Us License To Behave As We Please? Part 29

A major facet of the Christian life is embracing God’s grace . . . and believing grace fully covers all our sin.


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