Tag  |  God’s promises

A perspective that can help in difficult times Part 5

The famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon, once said that for Christians, even death is gain. "No evil in the strict sense of the word can happen to him, for everything is overruled for good." Listen in today as we conclude our study in Psalm 91.

How can we be confident in the security of God? Part 4

Even though God has promised to always be with us, we still experience pain, suffering, and hardships. So how can we be confident in the security of God? Discover the answer to that question today in our study of Psalm 91.

Can we claim the Bible’s promises for ourselves? Part 3

The Bible is full of what sound like amazing promises from God. but do all those ancient assurances apply to us today? Join us as we continue investigating Psalm 91, and discover whether it contains promises we can claim for ourselves.

Discover God's promises in Psalm 91 Part 1

In Scripture, God seems to promise to protect and defend those who put their trust in Him. Yet Christians still get sick, deal with disaster, and go through trials. Join us today as we discover God's promises in Psalm 91 and how they apply to God's people.

Faith and God’s ultimate promise Part 11

Part of the life of faith is believing that God will follow through on His promises. God has already come through on His ultimate promise to send His Son as a sacrifice for our sins.

Let's get back to the core message of the gospel Part 5

God has promised to forgive our sins through Jesus, and nothing can be added, or subtracted from that radical truth.

Let’s take a look at God’s remarkable forgiveness towards those who least deserve it Part 4

When someone has hurt us, it isn’t always easy to forgive. And yet God extends His grace and mercy to us every single day.

It's all about receiving what God has already done! Part 3

No matter how hard we try, we can’t earn our way into God’s good graces. It isn’t our church attendance or how often we pray that defines a life of faith.

It’s all about strengthening your faith Part 2

Let's go back to the basics of the gospel. If you’re in need of a fresh reminder of God’s grace, perhaps a little encouragement and perspective, join our conversation about the hope and the help found in the Bible.

Discover an intriguing look at the battle for the mind Part 1

There’s a battle that has raged for centuries, between the ideas of the world and the truth of Scripture. Let's hold up the doctrines of Scripture to other religious ideas of the ages.

Three ways God keeps His promises Part 52

God is at work, sometimes visibly, sometimes invisibly, but always faithfully.

Wondering what our final home will look like? Part 20

Our world is becoming more and more mobile. Families move across the country for a job change, vacationers go half way around the world to find rest. Let's discuss our ultimate resting place, heaven.

Reflecting on a man who trusted God’s promises instead of his own wealth Part 19

We enjoy incredible prosperity in this country. And so often our “stuff” distracts us from the promises of God. Let's reflect on the biblical account of Joseph. Getting wrapped up in the material part of life?

Looking at God’s promises and providing hope to those in “waiting mode” Part 18

It’s easy to get discouraged when God isn’t answering our prayers as quickly as we think He should. Perhaps you’re waiting on God for something in your own life.

Encouragement to trust God’s promises, even when it doesn’t fit our schedule Part 17

Ever notice how God seems to be on a different timetable than ours? We live by the minute, He chooses to act by the decade.

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