Let's look at a man who staked his life on God’s promise, and wasn’t disappointed! Part 14
In a world of broken vows and shattered expectations, trust is easily dismantled. And because of that, we often allow our distrust of other people to impact our trust in God. Let's look at the biblical story of Joseph.
Realizing that with God, there are always good things ahead! Part 12
Is it possible to come to the end of our lives and still have something to look forward to? When health fails and those we love are already gone?
Learning to live with uncertainty, and have faith in the outcome! Part 7
We have an advantage today of seeing the Bible in its entirety. We see the promises God made, as well as their fulfillment. Let's look at the lives of men and women in Scripture who lived by faith, even when they couldn’t see the outcome.
Discover the many ways we can apply a few complex passages of Scripture Part 6
Interpreting the Bible and applying it to our lives can sometimes be a tricky assignment. You’ll appreciate the clarity that comes to some fairly foggy issues.
An authentic discussion about having faith in the unseen Part 5
You’ve heard the saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it!” It’s difficult to believe the impossible until you can see it with your own eyes.
Reflecting on those who have gone before us and how God fulfilled His promises in extraordinary ways Part 4
Has God proved Himself faithful in your life? Perhaps you’re waiting for Him to fulfill a promise at this very moment.