How to gain wisdom when handling both victories and losses with grace Part 9
No matter how smart we are, we won’t win every argument. So how can we be humble when we win and gracious when we lose? Let's study the book of Job.
Discover ways to help those who are hurting Part 5
You may not recognize it immediately, but it’s entirely possible that the person standing right next to you is really struggling. It starts with being willing dispensers of God’s grace.
Discover how to accept comfort from the Lord, and extend comfort to others Part 4
Where is God when painful circumstances lay us low? We can see God’s response to pain and suffering through the way Jesus interacted with the people around Him.
How to love those we disagree with Part 2
It’s a little easier to extend grace to those who share our beliefs. But accepting those who think or act differently than us is far more difficult! How God’s grace can bridge that gap.
An eye-opening discussion about becoming dispensers of grace Part 1
In order to offer grace to others, we first need to receive that same grace ourselves! Let's study the interactions Jesus had with people to show how He extended grace to those who seemed to deserve it the least.
Let’s take another look at God’s incredible grace and forgiveness Part 7
It’s hard to believe that a perfect God would accept us solely on the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Can it really be that easy?
Let’s take a look at God’s remarkable forgiveness towards those who least deserve it Part 4
When someone has hurt us, it isn’t always easy to forgive. And yet God extends His grace and mercy to us every single day.
A story about sin, fairness, and grace Part 43
Sin comes with a cost, our mistakes often bring consequences. But does forgiveness wipe the entire slate clean? Biblical answers to important questions on forgiveness.
God’s impartial justice and His unmerited grace Part 25
In Matthew chapter 20, Jesus told a parable that explored two characteristics of God, His impartial justice, and His unmerited grace. Let's study both aspects of God’s personality, and suggest we need a healthy balance of these two views in order to see God clearly.