Tag  |  Hallowed

To truly honor God, we must understand who He is! Part 25

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, His first order of business was a reminder to honor the Lord.

How the Lord’s Prayer draws us to the heart of worship Part 24

Worship isn’t just a song sung in church. It carries us along into the very presence of God. The Lord's Prayer draws us to the heart of worship, by "hallowing" God and putting Him first.

How to connect Spirit-filled worship with honoring God’s name Part 23

There’s power in a moving worship service. The stirring music, the congregation lifting praises to the Lord. Gaining a better understanding of the Lord’s Prayer not only strengthens our prayer life, it can also impact our times of worship.

The impact of cheapening God’s name and how it affects future generations Part 22

Our culture flings the name of the Lord around as if its value was worthless. Let's “hallow” the Lord in what we say and do!

An encounter with Jesus can help us realign our priorities! Part 19

What’s taking priority in your thoughts these days? Maybe it’s your finances, or a child that’s straying from the straight and narrow.

God’s heart is to have one-on-one time with you Part 18

At its foundation, prayer is an opportunity to talk with God. When we get wrapped up in the trappings of who we should pray with and when we should pray, we’re really missing the point!

Proof that prayer can be concise and meaningful Part 17

Has prayer become monotonous and routine? Long, repetitious, and ultimately boring? In reality, Jesus modeled short, vibrant prayers that simply cover the essentials.

The significance of honoring God first and foremost Part 16

Jesus teaches that the first thing you do in prayer is say “Hallowed be Your name.” It’s an acknowledgment that we’re putting God first.

Discover what God's name represents Part 15

Does your name have a special meaning behind it? Perhaps you were named in honor of a family member. A fresh perspective on Jesus’ prayer, Hallowed be your name.

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