Tag  |  Heaven

Gain a new perspective on following Jesus Part 4

What does it take to get into heaven? Do we have to obey every rule? If we live a good life are we in? Let's turn to Mark chapter 10 and Jesus’ advice to a young man working hard to get to heaven.

Find out that it’s not about what we can do, but who we trust for our salvation Part 3

What do I have to do to get into heaven? It’s a question men and women have been asking for centuries. Our study of the rich young ruler continues.

Looking ahead to our permanent home in heaven Part 34

How many different cities have you lived in? Regardless of whether you’ve stayed put your whole life or have moved from place to place, it’s comforting to know that our true dwelling place is not on this earth.

Looking forward to the reward awaiting us in heaven! Part 33

There are lots of things to look forward to in life, but for the follower of God, all these things pale in comparison to our ultimate goal.

Be part of this fascinating study of the Sermon on the Mount Part 7

The idea of hell may conjure images of eternal pain and torment. But according to the “Discover the Word” team, Jesus described a different picture when He talked about hell.

Gain a fresh perspective on what Jesus said about heaven and hell Part 6

It’s the party of the century, and you’ve been invited! But you’re busy and claim to have better things to do. That is, until you hear what a great time everyone had!

Wondering what our final home will look like? Part 20

Our world is becoming more and more mobile. Families move across the country for a job change, vacationers go half way around the world to find rest. Let's discuss our ultimate resting place, heaven.

Find out if there’s really something to look forward to after we leave this life Part 13

Is there life after death? And if there is, what will it be like? Let's discuss the pictures of heaven found in Scripture.

Realizing that with God, there are always good things ahead! Part 12

Is it possible to come to the end of our lives and still have something to look forward to? When health fails and those we love are already gone?

Practical ways to prepare yourself and your family for the end stages of life Part 11

Getting our affairs in order is a necessary, but often unpleasant, task. Preparing for the end stages of life on earth, while keeping heaven in view.

What It Takes And Doesn’t Take To Get Into Heaven Part 12

Some people seem to have it all together, but what about one minute after they die?

Discover What The Bible Says About Heaven And Hell Part 11

What happens after we die? Is there such a thing as life after death? Death is inescapable so let's take time to explore these intriguing questions.

Are You Putting Too Much Stock In What Others Think Of You? Part 9

The Bible says that people look at outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Let's take part in a dramatic rendering of one of Jesus’ parables.

A Serious Discussion About What Determines Our Eternal Home Part 6

When you’re on your deathbed will you have complete confidence in where you’re going after you die? How faith in God while we’re on earth determines our eternal home.

Discover How A Single Life-altering Decision Determines Our Eternal Home Part 5

Each one of us is given the choice to follow God, or turn away from Him.

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