Looking at the very first Passover to find parallels with Jesus Christ as the ultimate Passover Lamb Part 40
When we read stories in the Old Testament we sometimes forget they’re part of the big picture God laid out over the course of the Bible. An insightful conversation connecting the Old and New Testaments.
Discover encouragement to sustain us through the most troubling times Part 15
Perhaps you’re struggling financially, or your marriage is on shaky ground. For whatever reason, life seems to keep throwing you a curve. Sound familiar? Don’t lose heart!
Let's look at a man who staked his life on God’s promise, and wasn’t disappointed! Part 14
In a world of broken vows and shattered expectations, trust is easily dismantled. And because of that, we often allow our distrust of other people to impact our trust in God. Let's look at the biblical story of Joseph.
Realizing that with God, there are always good things ahead! Part 12
Is it possible to come to the end of our lives and still have something to look forward to? When health fails and those we love are already gone?
Practical ways to prepare yourself and your family for the end stages of life Part 11
Getting our affairs in order is a necessary, but often unpleasant, task. Preparing for the end stages of life on earth, while keeping heaven in view.