Tag  |  Hebrews 11:13-16

Explore Ways To Debate Issues With Christlike Love Part 17

Disagreements are part of daily life. And how we handle conflict is of great importance to God. Having difficulty addressing a difference in opinion? Don’t miss the practical advice.

Practical Ways To Understand The Society Around Us While Still Maintaining Our Beliefs Part 16

We’re taught to be in the world . . . but not of the world. So, as Christians, how do we reconcile our value system with a godless culture?

Let’s Examine A Biblical View Of Influencing The World Around Us Part 15

What is the Christian’s role in trying to make an impact on society? Are we to be up in arms every time we disagree with the culture?

What It Means To Be A Follower Of Christ In Our Culture Part 12

Is there a difference between a Christian rock band and Christians in a rock band? How about a Christian business verses a Christian in a business? Want to make a difference but don’t know where to start?

Living In Today’s Society While Nurturing A Vital Relationship With God Part 10

As Christians we’re called to be different . . . “set apart” . . . from the world. And yet, we live in a culture unsympathetic with our values.

What It Means To Be A Christian In Today’s Society Part 9

No one is immune from problems. Even Christians struggle with alcoholism, abuse, adultery, and divorce. So what sets us apart from the rest of the world?

An Insightful Discussion About Discernment Part 8

When you look back at our nation’s history, you’ll see many different ways “worldliness” was defined. An abhorrent sin during one era was perfectly normal in another. So how do we distinguish which is right and which is wrong?

What Does It Mean To Be In The World But Not Of The World? Part 7

Between traffic, work, kids, shopping . . . all the things that fill up our days . . . it’s hard not to get wrapped up in the “daily-ness” of life. When we’re engaged in the busy-ness of life . . . what does it mean to be in the world but not of the world?


What Does It Mean To Be Citizens Of Heaven While Still Here On Earth? Part 6

Matthew 6:19 and 20 states: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth . . . but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” We’re called to be set apart from the world . . . but what does that really mean?



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