Tag  |  His Love

What Offering Can We Give Back To God? Part 7

The holiday season is a special time to reflect on God’s generosity to us, expressed in the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Let's take gift-giving to the next level and discuss what we can give back to God.

Remembering The Greatest Gift Of All Part 6

So much of the Christmas season is about giving and receiving gifts. When you think back over the years, perhaps there’s a particularly special gift that comes to mind. It’s part of a discussion based on Titus chapter 2.

Enjoy A Special Christmas Miniseries Based On The Book Of Titus Part 3

No matter where you’ve been, or what you’ve done, God’s gift of salvation is available to all! And that’s good news! Let's celebrate God's grace extended to us.

The Beauty Of God’s Grace And Unconditional Love Toward Mankind Part 2

Christmas is a grand symbol of God’s grace, and the beauty of the unmerited favor He extends to all of us. It’s based on a study in Titus chapter 2.

A Fascinating Discussion About Love And Grace Part 77

God’s gift of grace is extended to each of us. But sometimes we refuse to receive it! Let's examine our own hearts in light of the story of the prodigal son.

Enjoy A Dramatic Rendering Of Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 57

There’s nothing quite like hearing a familiar story in a new way. This is the first part of a special presentation of Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son.

Does God’s Unconditional Love Give Us A License To Live As We Please? Part 49

Some people hear of God’s unconditional love and think it gives them license to live as they please, because God will forgive them no matter what they do. God will love us no matter what, but the consequences of poor choices still remain.

Discover The Unconditional Love God Has For You And Me Part 39

If you’re a parent, you know what it means to love your son or daughter, even when they make mistakes. Let's look at the unconditional love God has for each of His children.

God’s Unconditional Love For His Children Part 34

No matter how far our children stray, whether physically or spiritually, parents long for their return back home! A touching discussion of our heavenly Father’s role in the parable of the prodigal son.

Do You Know Someone Who’s Followed After Their Desires, Only To Find Emptiness And Loss? Part 22

The parable of the prodigal son is a familiar one. And like the boy in the story, many of us know someone who’s followed after their desires, only to find emptiness and loss as a result. Explore this powerful teaching.

Profound Insights Into Jesus’ Parable On The Woman With A Lost Coin Part 15

If you’ve ever lost your car keys, your cell phone, maybe even your wedding ring, you know the frantic search that ensues until you’ve found the missing object. Share thoughtful teaching about God’s character.

An Allegory Of God’s Love For The Lost Part 12

In Luke chapter 15, Jesus tells a story of a shepherd who leaves his entire flock in order to search for one lost sheep. Be encouraged as Haddon Robinson reflects on this important teaching.

A Colorful Illustration Of God’s Love For His Children Part 8

Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep is a story about God’s love. You’ll hear how God hunts us down, like a shepherd chasing after one of his lost sheep.

Discover How The Parable Of The Lost Sheep Is A Story About God’s Love Part 7

Followers of God are given a mandate to seek and save the lost. But if we’re honest, too often our focus remains on our own needs, rather than those who need a Savior.

Let’s Look At Jesus’ Teaching About Those Who Are Lost Part 6

Have you ever been driving somewhere without your map or your GPS, and gotten lost? Or perhaps you thought you were going south, only to find out you were actually going north the whole time?

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