How Jesus comforts us Part 5
On the eve of His death, Jesus had an intimate meal with His disciples, and He loved them to the end. The disciples had no idea what plans Jesus had for them. Join us for a rich discussion about how Jesus comforted His disciples, and us!
How to have peace during times of confusion Part 4
When things are in disarray, where do we set our sights? Join us today as we talk about the hope to come, and how that reality can help us have peace now.
Discover an invitation from Jesus Part 3
Saying life is messy is an understatement for most of us! So is it possible for us to have peace about our life only when everything gets in order? Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled . . . trust Me."
Discover the hope we have in Christ Part 5
If you're a Christian, you have something our world is in desperate need of. Be sure to listen in today as our hosts explain how the hope that we have can attract people living in a hopeless world.
Scripture as a source of encouragement Part 4
When life becomes hard to handle, we all need words of encouragement to keep us going. Need to hear some words of hope? Tune in today to "Discover the Word" as we continue our series on the Missing Ingredient.
Where is lasting hope? Part 3
No one enjoys going through hard times, but God's Word shows us that it's in seasons of suffering that we find lasting hope. Join us today on "Discover the Word" for another eye-opening conversation.
Finding hope in the midst of discouragement Part 2
Life can be disappointing at times. So where do we turn for hope? Today on "Discover the Word," we consider our only true source of hope during dark times: the encouragement of Jesus' resurrection!
Discover the most important ingredient in a Christian’s life Part 1
It's been said you can live 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air. But you can't live 4 seconds without hope. Join our brand new series on "Discover the Word" as we discover our hope of Christ.
Hope for dark times is found in knowing our place in God’s redemption story! Part 2
The Bible tells us Jesus came to rescue us from the oppressive powers of sin and death. So why do we often feel like we’re still held captive?
A personal firestorm that ignited trust in the goodness of God Part 2
Firestorms often come unexpectedly. And they leave ash, rubble, and devastation in their wake. But within the ruins, we find surprising signs of hope.
The conclusion of our study in the book of Job with a message of hope Part 10
Job’s story has a bittersweet ending. While he wound up with more than he had before, could his new blessings ever replace all that he had lost?
Why it’s fruitful to believe that God knows us individually Part 4
Faith means trusting that God knows how much we can handle, even when we’re in the midst of difficult circumstances. Perhaps you’re wondering if your trial is more than you can bear.
Job’s place in Scripture, and the lessons we can learn from this story of faith Part 1
Compared to the uplifting or encouraging books of the Bible, the book of Job seems to stand out like a sore thumb.
What seems impossible to us is not impossible with God! Part 18
Have you ever prayed that a loved one would come to know Jesus, only to see that person move farther and farther away from God? Be encouraged to keep praying, and sharing the Savior.