How to build a bridge into someone else’s world, and bring the hope of Jesus to them Part 12
It’s not uncommon to find walls erected around someone’s heart. These barriers make reaching people with the love of God a bit more difficult. A timely message of hope from the group.
Calming our fears about evangelism Part 6
When it comes to sharing our faith, sometimes we’re hesitant to even start the conversation. What if we’re asked a question we can’t answer? We may not be able to offer every solution, but we can point others to the ultimate Answer!
What will your legacy be? Part 14
Each day we write another chapter in our own personal legacy. So when you finally leave this earth, what kind of story will you leave behind? Let's discuss how we want to be remembered, and that’s as people who were loved!
Explore the danger of turning our faith into a performance for others Part 18
Ever feel like you’re just going through the motions of faith? Just marking items off your spiritual “to-do list”?
Discover the influence we have on other people’s walk with God Part 17
As followers of Christ, we can either build each other up in the faith, or be a stumbling block, tripping each other up.
What it takes to put our hope in the promises of God Part 16
Is putting our trust in God a leap of faith? Or is commitment to following Jesus an act of reason and logic? Let's take an up-close and personal look at faith.
Biblical hope can encourage us, despite the reality of suffering in our lives Part 13
When life is good, trusting God doesn’t require much effort. But when life gets tough, maintaining our faith in God’s goodness is much more difficult.
Let’s reveal the true hope behind this often misunderstood familiar verse in the Psalms Part 5
It’s not uncommon to hear the Bible quoted in public settings. And sometimes, the Scripture is misused, failing to reflect what the author intended.
Let’s look to the beloved Psalm 23 for hope for our future Part 10
When you think about next week, next year, or even the next decade, what do you hope for? What do you fear? Together with the author, we can say, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”
Jesus desires to embrace the lost with hope and compassion Part 20
God cares deeply about reaching people who don’t know Him personally. Let's reflect on the stories Jesus told, and how they illustrate His desire to embrace the lost.
A refreshing discussion that quells the fear about death and dying Part 10
Think you’re not good enough to earn God’s love? The truth is, none of us is good enough! It’s only the grace of God that gives us any hope beyond the grave.