Tag  |  Integrity

How the wisdom of true sincerity allows God to work Part 10

A famous journalist once said about sincerity, “If you can fake it, you’ve got it made.” But is sincerity something you can really fake?

Discover that being wise actually means being trustworthy! Part 5

How would you describe a wise person? Is it someone who knows a lot? Maybe it’s a person with important things to say? We’re looking at another important aspect of wisdom.

Looking at the cost of integrity; is it worth the effort? Part 12

Choosing to follow God isn’t always easy. Sometimes there’s a price tag for doing the right thing.

Engage in a thoughtful discussion about taking our promises seriously Part 20

Making a lifelong commitment, and keeping it, isn’t easy! Especially in a culture that says we can break those promises whenever the pressure’s too much to bear.

Discover how some commitments can change the course of our life Part 19

Let's look at the commitment Ruth made to her mother-in-law Naomi, to care for her well-being until her death.

Discover How To Bring Meaning To Your Ordinary Work Day Part 45

It’s not always easy to find significance and meaning in the mundane assignments on our plate everyday. Bring new life to your workweek with a thought-provoking study in Ephesians.

Let’s Turn Our Attention To The Elder Brother In The Story Of The Prodigal Son Part 42

The story in the New Testament of the prodigal son isn’t intended to focus solely on the younger brother and his strained relationship with his father.

Let’s Examine The Life Of Samuel Part 6

Have you ever been passed up for a promotion? Perhaps you’ve been displaced by someone younger or with different qualifications. If you’ve ever felt the pain of rejection . . . you’ll appreciate the way Samuel handles this very situation.

A Fascinating Discussion About The Life Of Samuel Part 3

God often uses an older man or woman to shape our character and help us grow up. Perhaps you’re in a place of influence. Hear an authentic conversation about making a positive impact. 

An Intimate Relationship That Stands The Test Of Time And Trials Part 43

Final Discover the Word comments on building a deep marriage relationship.

Find Out How To Safeguard Your Marriage Relationship Part 42

What makes a marriage last . . . through good times and bad?  The foundation of a marriage between two followers of God is a promise.

Let’s Decipher Some Of The Analogies In The Bible And How They Relate To Life Today Part 27

What does it mean to “walk with God”? Often the Bible uses metaphors to describe the Christian life. And sometimes, they can be difficult to apply to real life. 


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