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An unexpected hero Part 1

As Jesus began telling the story of the Good Samaritan, his audience more than likely had expected a different hero than the one they got. Join us on "Discover the Word" as we take a look at Luke 10 to reveal the story-telling strategy of Jesus. Why does it seem that all the wrong characters in the story are getting things right?

How Jesus comforts us Part 5

On the eve of His death, Jesus had an intimate meal with His disciples, and He loved them to the end. The disciples had no idea what plans Jesus had for them. Join us for a rich discussion about how Jesus comforted His disciples, and us!

The God who knows everything about us and loves us anyway! Part 5

We often feel the need to put on masks and hide ourselves from other people. Yet, Jesus invites us to come to Him as we really are. As we wrap up our discussion on Hebrews, special guest Dr. Sid Buzzell encourages us to know the God who knows everything about us and loves us anyway.

The comfort of knowing that Jesus knows everything Part 4

What if someone could hear your every thought, see your every action, or experience your every emotion? Scary idea, right? Well, join us on "Discover the Word" today as we continue our study in Hebrews and talk about how Jesus knows everything about us, but that's not necessarily scary. It's a great encouragement!

Discover how one man’s holiday trip with his sons was interrupted by a Savior bearing a cross Part 3

Do your holiday celebrations ever go as planned? Doesn't it seem like there is always some sort of disruption that gets in the way? Our study continues as we discover how Simon's holiday was interrupted.

A personal solution to stress Part 5

You could go to any store and pick up a book on "ten steps to de-stressing your life." But when it comes to finding relief from our burdens, Jesus offers a much more personal solution. Discover Jesus' honest and special invitation to find rest in Him as we conclude our series on "Finding Rest."

What is a "light burden"? Part 4

Jumbo shrimp. Original copy. Small crowd. An oxymoron combines two words with seemingly opposite meanings. Join us as we study this puzzling oxymoron from Jesus: "light burden."

Who was the wisest person who ever lived? Part 10

Was the illustrious King Solomon the wisest person who ever lived? Join us for the conclusion of our study on Solomon as we discover that Jesus is the one who possessed all truth and insight!

Discover the true harmony Christ accomplished in the past, present, and future Part 5

At Jesus’ birth, an army of angels declared “peace on earth.” Yet, as we look around today, both personal and global conflicts remain. So where’s this peace that was promised? Let's discuss Jesus’ role as “Prince of Peace.”

Discover how Jesus can be our Father and yet remain the Promised Child! Part 4

Ready for a Christmas riddle? The Bible calls Jesus both “The Son of God” and “Everlasting Father.” But how can Christ be both? An eye-opening Christmas edition.

Isaiah’s depiction of Jesus as “Mighty God” Part 3

Long before any costumed characters wearing tights and capes flew onto the scene, the Bible described a real life Superhero! See how Christ is our greatest hero.

Let’s look at what it means to call Jesus “Wonderful Counselor” Part 2

Hundreds of years before Christ’s birth, the prophet Isaiah described the wonder and wisdom of Jesus in two simple, yet profound words. A special Christmas study.

Let’s look at the amazing promises wrapped up in the names of Christ Part 1

What’s in a name? Well, when it comes to the name of Jesus, everything! Looking at the unique significance and amazing promises wrapped up in the names of Christ. The conversation is sure to surprise you!

An eye-opening conversation about the truth and grace of Christ Part 5

Let's conclude a study on John chapter 8 and the story of the woman caught in adultery. What we’ll find in this passage is a remarkable display of both the truth and grace of Christ.

Discover Jesus’ response to an impossible dilemma Part 3

From a human perspective, there was no good solution. Jesus shouldn’t forgive the woman caught in adultery, but He wouldn’t condemn her either! Our series in John chapter 8 continues.

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