Find Out How The Quality Of Our Relationship With God Influences How We Engage With Others Part 61
An inspirational discussion about what it truly means to be in a right relationship with our Creator, and with those we love.
Practical Truths For Today Straight From God’s Word Part 1
The beginning of a new series on the Parables of Jesus. Let's look at Luke chapter 15.
A Lively Discussion On Humility Part 10
The game of comparison is a dangerous one to play. Unfortunately, it’s a trap that impacts us all. Considering ourselves better than others is harmful . . . not just to the other person, but to our relationship with God, as well.
Let’s Grapple With The Concept Of Comparison . . . And The Need For Humility Part 7
We have a natural tendency to compare ourselves to others. Either we think we’re better than they are, or we see ourselves as lacking.
The Church’s Role In Our Ever-changing Society Part 14
As followers of Christ, are we called to merely separate ourselves from our culture? Hide out, and hunker down? Or should we be reaching out to redeem and change the world around us?
Reaching The World Without Letting Its Values Infiltrate The Church Part 13
In any church, it takes a lot of discernment to welcome people from all walks of life, without condoning their sinful lifestyle. How do we embrace everyone, without alienating anyone?