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A biblical perspective on the unfairness of life Part 3

When good people get cancer and when bad people get promotions, we may feel tempted to say, "God, what is going on?" Today we take a look at Psalm 73, which asks the question, "Why is life so unfair at times?" Discover the answer with us!

How does God want us to respond to the life He’s given us? Part 12

We're not in control of the hand we've been dealt. But we do have a choice in how we play the cards we have. Join us as we conclude our study in Ruth with a biblical challenge.

Let’s look at the effect of Jesus’ resurrection from the perspective of a first-hand witness Part 2

There's no better way to understand the lasting impact of Easter in our lives than to see it at work in the lives of others. Join us as we continue our study on "Life After Easter" and discover the effect of Jesus' Resurrection!

How the events of Resurrection Sunday can and should have a profound effect on our days Part 1

Easter has come and gone. But even though the celebration has passed, the miracle of Easter can continue to shape our present. Join us at "Discover the Word" as we discover how events of the Resurrection impact our days "After Easter!"

Discover what Jesus taught about money and stewardship Part 2

Jesus often used parables to teach lessons on faith and life. Let's listen to a dramatic interpretation of Jesus’ story on the shrewd manager.

Find out if there’s really something to look forward to after we leave this life Part 13

Is there life after death? And if there is, what will it be like? Let's discuss the pictures of heaven found in Scripture.

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