Tag  |  Life/teachings of Jesus

Finding contentment Part 5

Today on Discover the Word, the group will conclude a series of conversations about how we may have been, “Misunderstanding Martha”! The discussion is centered on contentment and how we can learn to act out of the gifting God has given us. Are you comfortable with who God made you to be? Listen today to “Misunderstanding Martha," right here on…

Confident expectations Part 4

Jesus wants to give you lasting hope! And today on Discover the Word, we are back in the Gospels, looking at Martha—someone who might be called one of the Bible’s most misunderstood characters! There’s another side to this woman that shows how biblical hope goes beyond just a wish, to confident expectation. Listen today to Discover the Word!

When “getting the job done” takes a back seat Part 3

“I could use a little help here!” Yeah, when there’s work to be done, no one likes to see someone just sitting around! But are there times when “getting the job done” isn’t the most necessary thing? Today, the Discover the Word team uncovers the “whole story” about a familiar story in the Bible where “getting the job done” needed…

A defining moment Part 2

Today on Discover the Word, the group will continue this week’s study about Martha, the sister who may have been terribly misunderstood. We’re looking at one of the defining moments in Martha’s life that leaves her changed forever. Grab a seat in the fourth chair and listen today to Discover the Word!

“Misunderstanding Martha” Part 1

Do you ever feel misunderstood? Then you might be able to empathize with one of Jesus’s close friends when He was on earth—Martha. Today on Discover the Word, join the group as they open up Luke chapter 10 to uncover how we might have been, “Misunderstanding Martha” this whole time. Listen to Discover the Word today!

What’s the one word you associate with the gospel? Part 10

What one word do you associate with the gospel and salvation? Many would say “grace” or “rescue” or “forgiveness.” But there’s one word the New Testament uses that might surprise you! Today on Discover the Word, the group and guest Darrell Bock reveal what that word is and why we need to know it! Be part of the discussion today on Discover…

What did Jesus mean when he said he would “sit at His Father’s right hand”? Part 9

Today on Discover the Word, discover what Darrell Bock means by a “cultural script” and how a “cultural script” in a statement by Jesus provided the Jews with all the motivation they needed to plan His arrest and death. Join the group and their guest Darrell Bock as they explain the cultural significance of Jesus saying He would “sit at…

Appreciating the great debt Jesus paid for you Part 7

Are you struggling in your Christian life? Could it be you’ve developed a “pinch of spiritual entitlement”? Today on Discover the Word, the group and guest Darrell Bock remind us how appreciating the great debt Jesus paid for us can cure us of that entitled feeling and get us back on the right track spiritually. Tune in today to Discover…

A needed perspective Part 6

Imagine you’ve gone back in time and you’re watching Moses part the Red Sea, after observing all the plagues that convinced Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Many believers wish they could have witnessed those dramatic miracles. But today on Discover the Word, the group, and our guest Darrell Bock give us a needed perspective on what we have now versus what…

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