Tag  |  living with other believers

A Father’s heart Part 5

Luke 15 and Jesus’s parable about the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son—they all make the point that our heavenly Father’s heart is a heart that “seeks and saves” the lost. And whether we think we’re the best of the best or the worst of the worst, we have a pursuing Father who comes after us, saying,…

A wasted inheritance Part 4

“It’s not fair!” It’s not just whiny little kids who say that, because we all want justice. Today on Discover the Word, we will continue to discuss the parable of the prodigal son. We know about the runaway son who wasted his inheritance. But the older brother was wasting an inheritance too . . . his relationship with his father! Join us today…

A father’s love for his son Part 3

What does forgiveness look like to you? Next time on Discover the Word, the group will continue to look at the story of the prodigal son. It’s a parable retold in thousands of sermons, of a father’s love for his son and the forgiveness he extends. But is it just a story, one that we wish was true? Be part of…

Context is king Part 2

Context is king—that’s one of the guiding Bible study principles of the Discover the Word group. And today on Discover the Word, we will discuss the need to understand the story of the prodigal son in the times in which it was written and to whom it was written. Why the context holds the key to really understanding this familiar story, today on Discover the…

Mission Possible Part 1

“Good morning listener, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to win the lost!” Today on Discover the Word, join us as they talk about “Mission Possible,”  a “seek and save” rescue mission driven by a Father’s heart for the lost. Join the group for a fresh spin on Jesus’s most familiar parable—the prodigal son. That’s today on Discover…

Serving from a place of brokenness Part 15

Do you feel like your flaws and your family’s imperfections have disqualified you from being able to serve God? Well, today on Discover the Word, the group shares how it’s our very brokenness that often makes us candidates for service! Hear the conclusion of the series “The Beauty of Broken,” today on Discover the Word!

What will be your Legacy? Part 14

Each day we write another chapter in our personal legacy. We get to choose many aspects of how we’ll be remembered. So when you finally leave this earth what will be your story? Today on Discover the Word,  the team wants to discuss how they want to be remembered, and that’s as people who “lived loved”! What will your legacy…

Stuck in your own “shame fest” Part 13

Ever been to a “shame fest” where you get stuck focusing on your regrets, mistakes, and disappointments? Today on Discover the Word, the group shares a candid conversation on their personal experiences with pity parties and how to decline those invitations. “The Beauty of Broken”be listening today on Discover the Word!

Reasons to rejoice when life is hard Part 12

A happy family. A fulfilling career. A clean bill of health. It’s easy to be grateful for things that go well. But being thankful for events that turn our life upside down? Join us today on Discover the Word as we explore reasons to rejoice even when life is falling apart. “The Beauty of Broken” continues today  on Discover the Word!

Repairing sibling relationships Part 11

They were the people we grew up with. And whether we enjoyed a close relationship with our siblings, fought like crazy, or never really knew them,  our brothers and sisters can be some of the hardest people to love!  Today on Discover the Word, we talk about how biblical love can repair and reinforce sibling relationships. Another “broken family value” as…

Forgiveness for those who hurt us the most Part 10

Is there a family hurt you can’t seem to get past? A word, an action, or a mistake that makes forgiveness seem impossible? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how to offer God’s forgiveness to those who’ve hurt us the most. We’re finding “The Beauty of Broken” today  on Discover the Word!

God loves your child Part 9

When our son wanders off course or our daughter makes poor decisions, we may wonder if they have completely missed God’s plan for their life. Today on Discover the Word, we will offer hope and encouragement for worried moms and dads. A hope-filled reminder about how much God loves your child . . . today on Discover the Word!

Healing found in surrender Part 8

How do we respond when a loved one doesn’t live up to our expectations? Today on Discover the Word, the group shares personal experiences with letting go and allowing Jesus to touch their family members’ hearts. Discover the healing found in surrender with the Discover the Word!

Every family needs the healing touch of Jesus Part 7

Whether it’s a troubled marriage, rebellious children, or generational sin, we may think our brokenness is unusual for a Christian family. But today on Discover the Word, we’ll discover that family fractures are typical in every home! Join the team as they look at why every family needs the healing touch of the Savior. A look at “The Beauty of…

God’s restoration process for the broken Part 6

When we ask for healing in our families, often our expectation is that our prayer will be answered instantaneously. But when it’s not we can feel like God has let us down. Be sure to listen today on Discover the Word, when we study God’s restoration process for broken families. Explore the process with us today on Discover the Word!

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