Tag  |  Luke 18:9-14

What Does God Really Want From You? Part 44

Sometimes we think of Christianity as a bunch of rules and regulations . . . do this, don’t do that and if you stay on track, you’ll earn a place in heaven. But God wants so much more from us than a performance! Revitalize your walk with God.

Are You Finding It Hard To Carve Out A Few Moments Each Day With God? Part 43

Whether you’re in the workplace or managing a family at home, treat yourself to a break in your day.

Personal Stories About Times God Revealed Himself In Dramatic Ways Part 42

Experiencing God through His provision, His faithfulness, His sovereignty . . . leaves an indelible mark on our lives. Perhaps you’re praying for God’s intervention in your life.

Find Out How Genuine Humility Helps Us Draw Closer To God Part 41

Humility, according to the “Discover the Word” team, is seeing who we are before God. Developing a correct assessment of ourselves can take some work.

Overcoming Barriers To Prayer Part 40

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Part 40 of 44

TEXT: "Also [Jesus] spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: 'Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, "God,…

The Importance Of Having An Open Dialogue With God Part 39

It’s tempting to pray so that others will be impressed with your spiritual depth. But the kind of prayer that God hears . . . and responds to . . . is that of an honest, transparent heart. A refreshing discussion on prayer.

The Profound Effect The Lord’s Supper Can Have On Your Life Part 38

Some churches observe communion every Sunday, while others do once a quarter or maybe only on holidays. The question is has this time of contemplation and worship become a mere habit? Or does it mean something more

Find Out How God Is Trying To Speak To You! Part 37

If you can’t hear Him, or see Him . . . just how does God speak to His people today?

God’s Word Contains Real Stories About Real People … Who Teach Us Powerful Lessons About God’s Character Part 36

It’s easy for critics to pass the Bible off as just a storybook . . . a collection of tales about heroes slaying giants and a crazy man building a big boat.

A Discussion About Growing Through Failure Part 35

In the dark times of failure, all our faults and failures seem to come into focus. And that’s when we crave God’s presence and intervention! Perhaps you’ve done some things you aren’t proud of . . . or even think you’re beyond redemption.

An Honest Discussion On Who We Are In Relation To Our Creator Part 34

Have you ever experienced moments of clear understanding . . . when you caught a glimpse of God’s character?

A Challenge To Continue Our Pursuit Of God, No Matter How Silent He Seems Part 33

When we call out to God for help, sometimes it feels like the only thing we get in return . . . is silence. But the truth is, God seeks us out long before we pursue Him.

Our Daily Need For God’s Mercy Part 32

No matter how old we get, or how much we’ve learned in our walk with Christ, we never outgrow our need for grace. Perhaps you need to draw on that truth today.

The Power Of Humility In Our Daily Lives Part 31

In Luke 18:14, Jesus stated, “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

There’s A Fine Line Between Humility And Pride Part 30

There’s a fine line between humility and pride. Pride tries to draw attention . . . and humility attempts to deflect it. And yet, sometimes in our best moments . . . we still find ourselves slipping into a proud position.

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