How the church can support those dealing with abuse in the home Part 47
We live in a fallen world. And Christian homes aren’t immune to abuse and suffering. Let's wrestle with the difficult subject of domestic abuse and how the church can help those dealing with it.
Biblical wisdom and hope for struggling relationships Part 46
Not all marriage relationships are positive and uplifting. Let's take an honest look at some of the more challenging moments in marriage. Perhaps your relationship is struggling right now.
Look at God’s ultimate design for marriage and find encouragement in the Scriptures Part 45
Marriage isn’t easy! Whether you’ve been with your spouse 2 years or 50 years, you know that relationships take lots of work!
Discover powerful truths in Scripture to strengthen your marriage Part 42
Submission, sacrifice, respect, and love, according to Ephesians chapter 5 these qualities are to be integral in the husband-wife relationship.
A controversial text in Ephesians and an important message for your marriage Part 41
The Bible uses the word “submit” when it addresses husbands and wives. But for years, the subject of submission in the home has been widely debated, and often misapplied.
Bringing clarity to the sensitive subject of submission in marriage Part 40
It’s not uncommon for us to misunderstand a passage of Scripture. And Ephesians 5 is no exception.
Discover how Hosea’s life mirrored God’s message to His people Part 8
Often God uses men and women in the Bible to speak words of wisdom to His followers. Let's discuss God’s calling of the prophet Hosea.
Find help for how to handle sticky relational issues Part 29
As followers of God we look to the Bible for help on difficult topics. But sometimes, we wind up with more questions than answers! Let's study what Jesus said about divorce.
Garner helpful advice for your marriage from the apostle Paul Part 28
Marriage is difficult all on its own, but when you don’t share the same theological beliefs with your spouse, the relationship can become even more strained! We’re looking at First Corinthians chapter seven.
A timely discussion on divorce from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew chapter five Part 27
Marriage isn’t easy. And when times get tough, do you throw in the towel, or stick it out and try to make things work?
What we can learn from Jesus’ teaching on divorce? Part 26
God’s ideal plan for marriage is one man and one woman, for life. But in a world marred with sin, the ideal is harder and harder to live up to! Let's study Jesus' teaching on divorce.
Let’s discuss the sensitive issue of working through difficulties in marriage Part 23
It’s never easy to end a relationship, but when a marriage is torn apart by divorce the outcome can be devastating.