The challenges of living as responsible residents of two worlds Part 35
As followers of Christ we have a dual citizenship. We’re citizens of our country here on earth, as well as denizens of a heavenly kingdom.
Discover the diverse ways people understand what God’s kingdom really means Part 34
It’s remarkable how two people can hear the same word, and interpret that word in completely different ways!
Entering God’s kingdom doesn’t require us to jump through any hoops Part 33
Exclusive clubs and organizations have stringent requirements for candidates to complete before joining.
Does it really make a difference if we pray? Part 30
Can prayer impact a nation teetering on economic disaster? Does it really make a difference if we pray for our nation and its leaders? Your prayers really do make a difference!
Discover timely encouragement on how to grow in prayer Part 29
Prayer can be a struggle at times. In Luke chapter 11 we see that even Jesus’ disciples needed a little coaching! When it’s tough to find the words to say, or how to say them, Jesus gave us a guidepost to follow!
See how our view of God impacts our relationships Part 28
Both moms and dads have qualities and characteristics that set them apart. And together, both parents can mirror God’s love and fatherly character to their children. Let's examine Jesus’ prayer, "Our Father who art in heaven."
Let's look at the word pictures in Scripture to discover what it means for God to be our heavenly Father Part 27
God is a shield to those under attack. He’s a lion to those needing courage. But Jesus gave us an important lesson when He told us that God is our Father.