Tag  |  miracle

“Miracle in reverse” Part 8

Author and seminary professor Darrell Bock says that all the accounts of the miracles of Jesus recorded in the New Testament start with the miracle and end with the audience’s reaction to it, all except one. Today on Discover the Word, the group and guest Darrell Bock discover the significance of this “miracle in reverse.” Tune in today.

Discover the two probing questions Jesus asked of those looking for mercy Part 8

Jesus wants to shower you with His mercy. But first, He has some questions for you to answer. The two probing questions that Jesus asked of those looking for mercy reveal our faith and trust!

Does God intervene in more ways than just the miraculous? Part 23

When we read accounts in the Bible such as God parting the Red Sea, or Jesus healing the sick, if we’re not careful, we may start to believe God works in radical ways or not at all.

Explore how God works in both the miraculous and the ordinary Part 22

God doesn’t expect us to sit back and let Him do all the work. We have to do our part too! Explore the different ways God works in us and with us.

Discover how God intervenes in our lives Part 21

Have you ever prayed for a miracle, and been disappointed with the outcome? Just because God doesn’t respond in the way we think He should, doesn’t mean He isn’t at work!

Let’s take an honest look at the expectations we have of God Part 20

We all have assumptions about how God should work in a given situation. But so often God doesn’t work in the ways we expect! Don’t miss this helpful discussion.

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