A fresh perspective on the identity of the Proverbs 31 woman Part 1
Proverbs 31 is often referenced as a great example of a godly woman. But could this chapter be a model for both women and men? Discover why this passage is applicable to everyone.
Let's lean on the promise of mercy Part 10
The Bible warns us, “You reap what you sow.” The Old Testament character, Jacob, planted quite a few destructive seeds within his family. The result of which should have been a harvest of pain. Discover how Jacob received what he didn’t deserve, an outpouring of God’s grace!
God’s mysterious way of working out His amazing plan! Part 3
We know that God has a plan for us. But how He accomplishes that plan can often leave us scratching our heads! If the life of Jacob tells us anything, it’s that those confusing events are all part of God’s amazing plan!
Looking at God’s plan of salvation throughout the Old and New Testaments Part 8
Salvation through Jesus isn’t limited to modern believers, it’s for all people in all generations! Let's help bridge the gap between the Old and New Testaments by looking at God’s plan of salvation throughout the entire Bible.
Let’s take another look at God’s incredible grace and forgiveness Part 7
It’s hard to believe that a perfect God would accept us solely on the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Can it really be that easy?
How do we go about earning our way into God’s favor? Part 6
Let's get back to the basics of faith with a story of two very different men who had a meeting with the Lord.
Old Testament Law in the life of New Testament Christians Part 15
As followers of Christ, we’re not under the law, but under grace. So do the commandments in the Old Testament have any relevance for us today?