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How can we be confident in the security of God? Part 4

Even though God has promised to always be with us, we still experience pain, suffering, and hardships. So how can we be confident in the security of God? Discover the answer to that question today in our study of Psalm 91.

Discover the backstory to Psalm 55 Part 4

The Psalms express feelings of joy and pain we've all experienced. That may be why they're loved by so many people. Join us on "Discover the Word" today as we dive into Psalm 55, a song about the agony of betrayal.

The greater purpose our trials serve Part 3

Life is full of trials. Some are small frustrations and others are painful roadblocks. On our program today, our special guest Mark Young explains how our trials help us see God better. Join us today and learn how to look past the pain!

How Naomi heard from God through her daughter-in-law Ruth Part 8

In her season of pain, Naomi asked, "Where are you God? Why have you forsaken me?" And the way God answered her was completely unexpected! Don't miss the encouraging discussion today as we continue our series on Ruth.

A moving story about God’s miraculous comfort in the midst of personal pain Part 9

Even into the most intense, fiery trials of our lives, God brings refreshing splashes of joy. Hear a real-life illustration of God’s love.

A personal story of loss, pain, and renewed faith from special guest, Carol Kent Part 4

As a popular speaker, author, and Bible teacher, Carol’s faith was on fire. But then a trial came that threatened to extinguish her flame.

Let’s discuss the confidence we have in the presence and goodness of God Part 1

We may wake up fully convinced that we’re safe, protected, and cared for. But as the day’s trials begin, our confidence sometimes withers away. Let's turn to Psalm 46 and find true security in the presence and goodness of God.

Let's lean on the promise of mercy Part 10

The Bible warns us, “You reap what you sow.” The Old Testament character, Jacob, planted quite a few destructive seeds within his family. The result of which should have been a harvest of pain. Discover how Jacob received what he didn’t deserve, an outpouring of God’s grace!

Gain a profound perspective on God’s grace Part 7

When the weight of life crushes down on us, and the pain is more than we can bear, our plea to God is “Why?” How our personal pain may be the perfect answer to the prayer; “Lord, have mercy.”

A blind man’s interaction with Jesus, and the healing he found at Christ’s hands Part 3

Pain often takes us out of our comfort zone. But what if God’s answer to our problem lies in those unwanted places?

Discover the comfort of the Savior in the midst of your struggle Part 1

Pain is an isolating emotion. When we hurt, it often feels like we hurt all alone. Let's begin a new study that offers biblical encouragement in times of distress.

Discover how God can use our pain to help those around us Part 5

It’s hard to remember others when we’re focused on our own pain and discomfort. Let's review a humbling passage in Scripture that reveals how God can use our pain to help those around us. A radical change in perspective.

Let’s look to James chapter 2 for guidance on responding to pain with compassion Part 15

When a friend or loved one is going through intense grief it can be difficult to find the right words to say, and the best time to say them.

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