Let’s look at God’s unconventional view of how to get ahead Part 28
The world’s formula for power is this: push your way to the head of the line. But Jesus’ model for successful leadership looks very different! Hear the challenging study of the parable in Matthew chapter 20.
What does it take to be successful in God’s kingdom? Part 27
To be successful in our society, it takes persistence and willpower to claw your way to the top. But to be successful in God’s kingdom, it takes humility and sacrifice to make your way to the bottom! Let's look at Jesus’ interaction with two ambitious disciples to illustrate this important distinction.
A thought-provoking discussion on “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first” Part 26
The rallying cry of the world is “Look out for number one!” But Jesus told His followers, “Put yourself last.” Let's discuss the practical side of the paradox “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”
God’s impartial justice and His unmerited grace Part 25
In Matthew chapter 20, Jesus told a parable that explored two characteristics of God, His impartial justice, and His unmerited grace. Let's study both aspects of God’s personality, and suggest we need a healthy balance of these two views in order to see God clearly.
Reflecting on God’s profound grace and ways we can respond to His generosity Part 24
Basking in the benefits of God’s blessings, we often feel a sense of gratitude. But when God chooses to bless others with those same gifts, our reaction isn’t always thankfulness.
Looking at how our view of God’s generosity impacts our faith Part 23
If your boss is stingy with you, you’re less likely to give him a fair day’s work. But if he treats you well, your work will reflect your gratitude! Let's discuss the nature of grace. An encouraging study on the goodness of God.
Embracing God’s greatest gift: grace Part 22
Trapped on a treadmill of performance, we’re liable to think the more good we do, the more God will love us. And if we stumble and fall, God will brush us aside. Let's embrace God’s generosity.
How God’s grace reverses our understanding of rewards and merit Part 21
The best-trained athlete gets the trophy. The most intelligent student gets the best grades. That’s the way our world works.
Let’s look at a topsy-turvy principle of God’s kingdom Part 20
We’re all born with an innate sense of fairness. Just watch small children line up for a treat and listen to what happens when someone tries to jump ahead! You’ll hear a chorus of “No cuts!” Let's look at the topsy-turvy principle of God’s kingdom that says, “The first shall be last, and the last first.”
A dynamic conversation on Jesus’ teaching of “the last shall be first” Part 19
You’ve waited in line for hours. Your feet hurt, your back aches, and as you finally reach the front of the line you’re told, “We serve the people in the back of the line first.” Let's examine this perplexing notion found in Jesus’ teaching.
Discover the destruction envy can cause in our heart, and our relationships Part 18
Have you ever wished you were someone else? Perhaps they got the job you wanted, or were blessed with the family you always dreamed of. Find peace in the midst of discontentment.
Find practical tools for rooting envy out of your heart Part 17
Like a noxious and bitter weed, envy can spring into our lives, and choke out our joy in the Lord! Let's uncover ways envy can sour our relationship with God and others.
Defining envy and finding the biblical solution to this heart problem! Part 16
Jesus’ parable of the vineyard workers not only demonstrates God’s generosity, but highlights the dangers of jealousy!
Are you searching for contentment? Part 15
The problem with the human condition is that even when we own a lot, it still doesn’t feel like enough. Let's look at the causes of envy and how to eradicate that bitter root from our lives.
Is the mindset of comparison causing you to be dissatisfied? Part 14
When we’re stuck in the mindset of comparison, it’s not long before we become dissatisfied with what we have. Let's explore Jesus’ parable of the vineyard workers to find the answer to this common problem.